Chapter Thirty Two

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My foot taps impatiently as I stand behind the bar, looking around. Since I received the pictures yesterday, I can't help but feel uneasy. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder, my energy just seems off.

"Mitch, nobody will touch you while you're here. I promise, they'll have to get through me and Carlos." Richard says as he sips on his cold beer. I indulged him in the recent festivities that I've been facing. I used to vent to Bill, and I can't help but miss him as I glance at his empty seat. A full beer sits in his place. On nights I've worked at the bar I've poured him a beer, it's presence making my heart hurt just a bit less.

Carlos has abandoned his usual post at the back door, and he now sits at the edge of the bar. His body is angled to face both me and the door. Once he was told of what's been going on, he's stayed on high alert. He examines every customer, man or woman. In his words, 'anyone is capable of being devious'. I thought it would scare off some of our clientele, but they really don't pay him much mind.

"You're probably right," I smile back softly at Richard, polishing a glass before placing it back on a shelf.

However my chest feels heavy, and there is a feeling in my gut I can't quite shake. The three murders from last night aren't helping my nerves. It's been plastered all over the news and radio. Three young men shot on an open street and left to bleed out. All pronounced dead on the scene. Homicide doesn't happen that often in this small city, and when it does it's all anyone can talk about. When my parents were killed it was talked about for months.

That's probably the reason my body feels the way it does. The killers haven't been caught and there are no leads.

The front door swings open and a group of younger couples tumble in, laughing and talking amongst themselves. They take a seat at a high top. Carlos watches their every movement, leaning back in his seat a bit to get a better look. I grab some beverage napkins, walking over to the table and placing them down in front of each individual.

"How's everyone doing tonight?" I smile, hands resting on my hips. They all have clearly had a drink or two, so the whole process takes a few minutes. I walk back behind the bar once they all order.

"Something is off about the dude in the black." Carlos mumbles, and I turn to glance. The guy is staring at me, a dumb look plastered on his face. To me he just looks air headed. His eyes trail towards Carlos, and Carlos simply continues staring. Black shirt scrunches his face up a bit before returning to his tables conversation.

I finish making their drinks and bring them to the table. After I place their order, I come back and continue my conversation with Richard.

The guy keeps glancing this way, and honestly I just want to punch him in his shit. I've always hated someone that stares, say something or fuck off.

Carlos fidgets in his seat, taking out his phone. Their food comes moments later, and I help the server drop it off.

"You're Michelle, right?" The guy asks as I set his food in front of him.

"I might be," I respond, taking a step back.

He chuckles, opening up his napkin to get out his fork. "I've heard a lot about you." His shoulders shrug as everyone at his table goes quiet.

"How so?" I cross my arms. At this point Richard has turned around to listen, and Carlos is standing at his feet, hand placed comfortably on his hip.

"I bailed out your boyfriend a few weeks ago. You did my bro wrong," he shakes his head. "All these men in your life and you involve the police."

Boyfriend? "Anyway," he smirks. "Chris sends his best regards."

Carlos decides to let his anger take over, and he walks over to the table. He smiles so innocently, pulling up a chair to sit beside black shirt. The guy raises his eyebrow, and everyone else at the table sits and watches the show unfold.

"Well, do me a favor then. Since you're playing messenger," Carlos picks up the guys silverware, cutting himself a hefty piece of steak. He chews rather slowly, and I can't help but be amused. He takes a card out of his pocket with his name and number slapping it on the table once he swallows the meat. "Tell that bitch I've been looking for him. Actually, a few of us have." He takes the napkin from the guys lap, wiping his lips despite them already being clean. "He's been playing hide and seek. Send him my way, won't you? I've got five bullets locked and loaded. One for each initial in his crusty ass name. Perra estupido." He adds the 'stupid bitch' to the end for a little razzle dazzle.

Everyone is quiet. "Can you do that for me, tough guy?" Carlos leans in real close, making sure he's looking him in the eye. The guy doesn't respond, and Carlos grabs the nape of us neck, pulling him even closer. "Next time you try and defend a woman beater in this restaurant, I'll dig a grave for you next to that sick bastards." He taps his face as he stands to his feet, politely putting the chair back at the other table. "Now pay your tab and get the fuck out."

Carlos stands between me and the table, with no plan on moving. I'm sure I look weak, letting a man defend me at all times. I've fought back before, I truly have. All it ended with was me in the ICU for three days. I'm not scared to let a man fight my battles when it comes to other men. It's a tactic. You think you're preying on an innocent woman, then you're hit with a fist the size of your head.

The other couples and the guys woman scramble to stand up out of their seats, putting on their coats and grabbing their purses. The guy however still has a small smile on his face, nodding his head as he stands to his feet. He takes out his wallet, lazily throwing some cash on the table. "Keep the change." He sends one last smirk as the all leave the front door.

"I love this job," Carlos says, cracking his knuckles.

Richard begins to laugh, and I follow. Carlos is a big man. Tattoos cover most of his skin, even his face. He looks scary as hell. But to me? He's a soft teddy bear that cries while watching 'The Notebook'.

An hour passes, Richard pays his tab before leaving. I start the closing process, and Carlos sits watching the door. I shake my head at his overprotectiveness. I walk over to the dining side and cash out some of my servers so they can go ahead and leave. Fifteen minutes passed closing and all that's left is Carlos and I.

"You ready?" I ask him as I grab my things. He nods his head, following me out the door. "You know I really appreciate you. I wanted to start giving you an extra hundred a week, it's the least I can do."

"You know I don't mind, Mitch. You're family." He says, but he stops in his steps. Feet are heard pounding against the concrete and I watch as Carlos' body hits the floor. His gun falls beside him, showing he had been getting it out before he was hit. I go to scream, but cold hands wrap around my mouth. The other comes around my waist, pulling my body firmly against theirs.

I look up to see the guy from earlier standing over Carlos with a baseball bat in hand. A sick smile crosses his face when he looks at me. However that's not what scares me, it's the voice in my ear.

"Did you miss me?"

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