Chapter 25:: People we can't handle

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Author's POV:

"What's wron-" You were talking but your eyes widened as you felt a pair of lips on yours. You closed your eyes smiling a little feeling your heart warming up as you held Taehyung closer kissing him back. A minute passed by as you both pulled away for air as Taehyung caressed your cheeks saying, "I love you more... and I'll love you even more. So don't be embarrassed. I love you."
"You said that thrice.." You said thinning your lips looking down as blush crept up to your cheeks. Taehyung giggled saying, "Is my bold noona shy now~"
"Shut up." You said looking away as he smiled snuggling closer to your neck saying, "Noona... did you really have to ignore me for 2 days?" He asked as you looked down saying, "Sorry.." 
"You should be. Do you know how much I missed you? Everywhere I looked, I could only see you! While eating, sleeping, studying, playing, poopin- I mean.."
He pulled away to see you looking at him with a 'Are you kidding me?' look.
"I mean... I missed you!" He said as you sighed saying, "I keep forgetting you're not even 25 yet. Aigo... fine, I missed you too." You said as he smiled.

"Why are you all serious all minute and the next minute you're just acting like a kid?" You asked as he replied, "Oh... I realized that too. When I'm with you, I do the strangest things, not my fault." He said as you caressed his cheeks saying, "Now..." He hummed looking at you and you pinched his cheek saying, "Let me get up." He winced in pain letting you go as you got up saying, "Who makes someone sit on their lap?!" You asked as he replied, "Me." You sighed saying, "Okay. Now go sleep. Go go!" You said as he said, "I want to stay here tonight."

"Omo! Omo! Are you- What a shameless! How can you even say something like that?!" You asked as he sighed.
"No wonder Junho is your brother. He threatens me about the same thing every single day." He said as you thinned your lips saying, "You deserve that."
He got up and walked towards your bed plopping down making you frown. He lied on the bed patting beside him as you stood in front of him staring at him blankly.
"Noona! Come!!" He said as you replied, "You act like you've been sleeping here for years." He chuckled saying, "Then what? I'll sleep with you after our marriage anyway. So just come." 

"Kids these days.." You said as he giggled. You sat beside him saying, "I'll only let you sit here for a few minutes. Leave quietly after you're done resting." You said as he smiled saying, "You can't even deny the fact you want to be with me."
"Shut up!" You said as he chuckled stroking your hair as you sighed. You both started talking about random stuff and joked around while bickering in the middle. Without you realizing it, over an hour passed by as you both were laughing talking to each other. By now, you didn't even realize you were right beside Taehyung as you both were lying down while talking. 

And some more time passed as you fell asleep. Taehyung who was talking stopped looking at you hearing no response. He smiled seeing you sleeping peacefully. Caressing your cheeks, he smiled leaning in closer to your face as he planted a light kiss on your forehead whispering, "Goodnight, noona. Sleep well~" He saw you smiling a little in your sleep and stared at you in awe for some time as he got up covering you with a blanket as he quietly exited your room closing the door and tiptoed towards Junho's room. But as he opened the room door, he flinched seeing Junho sitting on the bed glaring at the door. 
"Kim.F**king.Taehyung." Junho spoke as Taehyung smiled awkwardly saying, "Oh.. Hi!"

"Where did you go?" He asked as Taehyung closed the room door coming in saying, "Somewhere."
"Why did you sneak in Noona's room this late at night?! Where are your intentions going?!" Junho asked as Taehyung sighed saying, "Yah! Can you all stop questioning my innocence?! I'm so innocent. All I did was put her to sleep and you're doubting me!" He complained as Junho said, "I know you didn't do anything. I was just confirming." Taehyung scoffed sitting beside him as Junho spoke, "Let's sleep then. Goodnight~" 

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