Chapter 20:: It's okay

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Author's POV:

"Aunt Mido?" You asked seeing the woman in front of you standing there with the widest smile. Your father sighed looking at you while you looked at him blankly.
"Y/Niee!!" She screamed making you flinch a little as she ran towards you hugging you tightly making you choke on your breath. Oh! How much you wished to escape this. 
"H-Hello.." You said gulping as she smiled widely saying, "Aigo! You've become so much thinner!" You awkwardly laughed as she sighed looking at your dad saying, "Can't you look after our precious angel?! She's the one who's going to give birth to the first child of the family after all!" She said as your father sighed while you awkwardly looked away. 

"Let's sit! My suitcases are coming." She said as your father said, "Ah. I suddenly remembered I have to go out. I'm going. Y/Nah, take good care of her!" 
You looked at your father cluelessly as he mouthed a sorry before leaving the house.
"How have you been, Y/Nah?" Aunt Mido asked as you sighed saying, "I've been fine... what about you?"
"I've been.. good of course! Where is Junho? Unnie is so busy at times. What is she doing?" She asked about your mom as you said, "Oh, Junho is with- his... best friend! And mom is actually at the neighbour's house right now. She's returning some dishes." 
"Aigo... spending time with friends? What a waste! It's his time to study and do something in life... Why even bother wasting your time on temporary people?!" She asked as you looked away feeling irritated by her judgemental talks. 

"Aigo! Are you dating someone? You look prettier this time!" She said as you thought, 'She says this every time?'
"Ah..about that. I-" You were saying something but got cut off by her speaking, "You're not, right? Exactly! That's how you should be. Don't date people, it's such an impure thing to do... Aigo! People need to marry someone established and mature. Why would you date?" 
You tried not to sigh and smiled awkwardly trying not to bother about her.
"Moreover, who would date you... that's also a fact. Haha! It's okay, you'll get marriage proposals, I believe!" She said as you blankly nodded. 

"I'm home!" Suddenly you all heard your mom as you got up smiling thankfully. Aunt Mido got up and said, "Unnie!!" Your mom looked at her confused but smiled hugging her as she chuckled saying, "How have you been??"
"I've been fine, what about you?" Your mom asked as she replied, "I've been good. I was missing you all so I came here!" 
"Yeah... I see. Are you staying?" Your mom asked as she looked at her astonished speaking, "What are you saying?! Why wouldn't I?" Your mom chuckled saying, "Of course."
"I'm staying here for at least a week." She said as your eyes widened. You were about to say something but your mom glared at you shutting you up. Sighing, you looked away as your mom said, "I'm going to the mall with Y/N. Do you want to join?"
"Of course, I will! Let me quickly freshen up and get my bag." She said as your mom smiled nodding.

You went to your mom and said, "Mom, if you're going to the mall... then, let me go somewhere else!" She looked at you confused asking, "Where?"
You smiled at her as she sighed saying, "Are you seriously that much into him?" You giggled as she patted your head saying, "Don't be too shameless though. He is still younger than you! He is learning from you, don't be so reckless."
"Sure!" You said running out of the house as she sighed. But she frowned seeing you run back in as you said, "Ah! I forgot my bag!"
"She's crazy.." Your mom chuckled waving at you who dashed out in a second.

---Time skip

"Boy... I'm so bored." Junho said as Taehyung scoffed saying, "Don't talk to me."
"Are you still mad at me for hanging up?!" He asked as Taehyung glared at him saying, "Noona must be hurt! Why did you.."
"Shut up! She knows it was me. And why are you being so- are you a kid? You were never like this... did dating melt your brain cells?!" Junho asked as Taehyung sighed.
"I miss her so much! I feel like I'll die.." Junho scoffed at his statement saying, "Did you forget I'm her brother?"
"Whatever... you aren't even interested in her life," Taehyung said as Junho sighed.

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