Chapter 2:: Time will say

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Author's POV: 

"Hello! We met again!" Taehyung spoke smiling at you waving. You gulped looking at him and then at Junho.
"Oh? Do you know her?" Junho asked Taehyung who nodded smiling. You looked at Junho who looked at Taehyung with confused eyes.
"Oh.. we met at the supermarke-" You were speaking but Junho cut you off looking at Taehyung wide-eyed and said, "HER? WERE YOU TALKING ABOUT MY SIS-" Taehyung's eyes widened hearing Junho's scream as he held his mouth saying, "No! Haha! Sorry, Junho is acting weirdly today."
"When does he not?" Your mom said as you let out a chuckle. Junho glared at Taehyung biting his palm making Taehyung hiss in pain as he pushed Junho away shaking his hand. You frowned at them saying, "Weirdos.." 

"Anyways! Leave that mess. Taehyungah, meet my daughter, Y/N. She's Junho's elder sister. Just 4 years older but acts even more childish." Your mom spoke as Taehyung smiled looking at you while you scoffed at your mother's statement.
"Mom!" You said as he chuckled saying, "Nice to meet you. I am Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." 
"Oh.. hello." You awkwardly said looking away as Taehyung smiled excitedly seeing you. 
"You both can go upstairs for now. Have dinner here, Taehyungah!" Your mother said as Taehyung glanced at you before nodding. 

"I can't believe you're living with us again. What a nuisance!" Junho spoke as you glared at him before sticking out your tongue. Your mother sighed saying, "Control your actions! What will Taehyung think of you? You should know to behave, you're older than them.." You thinned your lips nodding glancing at Taehyung who was admiring you. 
'I can't believe this kid hit on me. Woah, kids these days.'  You thought making a cringed out expression. 

--Time skip

"Mmm! I love this! It's so yummy!" You said eating the beef as your mom smiled saying, "Ah! It's so good to have you back. Or we'd be at your house right now because you cannot cook."
"I never asked you to come to my house! I would just order in or eat outside. You're the one who comes to my house." You said as your father said, "That's a mom's heart. She cannot help but worry about you."
"I'm 28! Not a kid!" You said as Taehyung looked at you. You looked back at him before looking away awkwardly.
'Maybe he's regretting asking me to repay him.'  You chuckled finding the thought funny making everyone look at you. You awkwardly adjusted your voice saying, "Ah.. nothing! Eat eat!" 
"She's stranger than strange," Junho said as Taehyung smiled at you before looking at his food.

"Taehyungah! Eat up!" Your mom said as Taehyung nodded smiling.
"I will, it's so delicious after all!" Taehyung said as Junho scoffed saying, "Stop buttering my mom, will you?"
"Shut up, will you?" Your mother said to Junho who let out a gasp in disbelief. You just let out an airy chuckle seeing the clownery going on in front of you.
"Since when are you both friends? I don't think I heard about Taehyung before." You asked while eating as your mom said, "Y/N! Don't talk and eat at the same time!" 
"Sorry." You mumbled thinning your lips as Junho said, "Ah.. you probably don't know. We went to the same high school, same college and we're also graduating together next year."

"I heard that. But you two seem to close these days. Are you both secretly dating?" You asked with mischief in your face as Taehyung choked on his water making you thin your lips as your father gasped. Your mother said, "Y/N! Stop saying such things!" 
"Mom! It's not even the 90s... it's normal for guys to date." You said as your mom sighed. 
"Is she saying the truth?" Your father asked Junho who was just sitting there looking like the sky crashed on his head.
"Y/N's father!!" Your mother said as your father coughed awkwardly.

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