Chapter 7:: Kind of?

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Author's POV:

"Noona, are you 28?" Taehyung asked as you chuckled saying, "Why? Do you think I act like an 18-year-old?"
"No... it's just that... you seem easier than I expected." He said as you chuckled.
"Well, when we hear about one's age at first, we feel like they're so old! They're so experienced, and they're way out of our league. But... at some point, when we reach that age or that stage, it feels so ordinary. It's like... the walls and barriers we had in our mind all our life never existed." You said as he listened to you. You smiled before saying, "You know... when I was in 8th grade, I thought 24-year-olds are so big! And that they're so out of my league. Of course, they were out of my league but... it felt like a HUGE deal to be 24. But I didn't even realize anything and just sometime later, I passed the age of 24. It's just like that, it always looks huge and dramatic. In reality, it's no deal." 

Taehyung smiled saying, "It's true. I relate to that." You nodded looking at his hand and said, "Are you sure it's okay? It looks red."
"Yeah. it's just because I got hit here. I'm not bleeding like you." He said as you nodded smiling. You both were sitting there when Junho came downstairs saying, "What are you both doing here?"
"Oh... talking." You said as he sighed saying, "You both seem close. Are you friends already?"
"Kind of?" You said as Taehyung looked at you before looking away with a slight smile. You looked at his smile and let out a heavy breath looking down.

---Time skip

"Kids! Dinner's ready!" Your mother said as you sat at the dining table with a huge grin.
"I helped mom cook." You said as your mom nodded smiling awkwardly as your father said, "Woah... That's unexpected!" Taehyung just chuckled sitting on the chair across from yours as Junho sat beside him.
"I did too then." Taehyung spoke as Junho looked at him confused and asked, "When?" Taehyung just looked at him and chuckled.
Soon, you all heard the doorbell ring. You got up and went towards the front door. Opening the door, your eyes widened seeing Mina.

"Mina!!" You said hugging her as she giggled hugging you back. She got in, took off her shoes and entered the house walking towards everyone who was sitting at the dining table.
"Am I late??" She asked as your mom said, "Of course! I asked you to come by 5. it's 7 right now." 
"Woah! You invited Mina without telling me?" You asked as Mina giggled along with your mom.
"That's a real betrayal. Lol!" Junho said as you glared at him. Taehyung smiled as your father said, "We should invite Mrs Kim here someday. A perfect family dinner, it'd be." Your mom nodded as Mina quickly took off her coat keeping it on the couch as she went inside the bathroom. Not much later, she came out and sat beside you as you all dug in the food.

"This beef tastes good." Your mother said placing a piece of beef on everyone's plate as you giggled placing one on hers. She smiled at you as you ate yours saying, "True. It's good!"
"Thank god you didn't let Y/N cook! Or it'd be a complete mess." Mina said as you hit her toe with your feet making her groan.
"Come on! I'm eating!" She said as you scoffed saying, "So am I!" Everyone at the table chuckled. Suddenly, Junho screamed saying, "YAH YOU PUNK! HOW DARE YOU EAT MY CHICKEN PIECE?!" 
"Take another one then." Taehyung blankly spoke eating as Junho glared at him. Your mom sighed before placing a piece of chicken on both of their plates as Taehyung chuckled while Junho frowned.

"He stole mine. Why does he get another one?" Junho asked as Taehyung said, "That's justice."
"Justice my foot." Junho mumbled as you laughed saying, "How childish!" but your smile disappeared and was replaced by a deadly stare as you saw Mina eating your kimchi.
"YOU WENC-" You were about to scream but stopped seeing everyone look at you.
"I'll k*ll you!" You whisper-yelled to Mina who chuckled saying, "How mature!" Everyone at the table started laughing as your father said, "Like sister, like a brother." 

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