Chapter 22: I do

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Author's POV: 

"Do yoU LovE YOuR GiRlFrIEnd?" You asked giggling as he look at you quietly for a while saying, "I do, a lot." You giggled saying, "gOoD jOb. YoU shoULd." He nodded caressing your cheeks as you smiled falling asleep on the table. He sighed saying, "What do I do with you..." 
He looked at you to see yous keeping peacefully. He stood up gulping and said, "Noona, you're sleeping so I have to carry you okay? Don't beat me up later." He said gulping as he held you carrying you in a bridal style while you were sleeping. Your head rested on his chest as he looked at you saying, "You're heavy... But it's okay." He walked outside the restaurant and went towards the car while Junho stared at him as if he saw a flying fish.
"YAH- What are-" He was speaking Taehyung gestured to him to keep his voice down. Junho scoffed eyeing Taehyung who helped you get inside the car carefully and got inside saying, "Go drive fast. I'll take care of Noona."

"And you tell me you're not whipped for her? At this rate, I think you'd jump out of a 111-floor building for her." Junho said as Taehyung sighed saying, "Shut up! Don't you know how bad her sleeping habits are? What if she ends up breaking the window?" 
"Right... let me go drive." Junho said as Taehyung sighed mumbling, "He believed me forgetting that Noona is actually drunk."
Junho drove towards Mina's house first as he secured his arms around you holding you close. He looked at you sleeping ever so peacefully. He smiled pushing your curtain bangs behind your ears as he stroked your hair while Junho was driving. Soon, they stopped in front of Mina's house and dropped her off and now were on their way to your house. 
" carry Noona again inside the hou- Wait no, don't! If you do that, Aunt Mido will see you both- it'll be a mess!" Junho said as Taehyung scoffed saying, "Whatever. Don't even hold her carelessly."
"Is she a kid?" Junho asked as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"You both are weird. She acts like you're her kid, you act like she's your kid." Junho said sighing as Taehyung thinned his lips ignoring him. Soon, you all arrived in front of your house as Taehyung shook you lightly saying, "Noona, we're home. Wake up!" You frowned opening your eyes a little rubbing them as he looked at you. 
"We're here?" You asked sleepily as he nodded saying, "Are you still drunk?" You shook your head saying, "I think I'm... a little sober." You spoke in a raspy voice as he nodded saying, "Come out, let's go." You nodded slowly getting out of the car as you walked towards the house while Junho was beside you and Taehyung who were walking together. 
Junho opened the door as you and Taehyung got inside. 
"We're home!" Junho spoke as your mom and Aunt Mido came outside.
"Aigo! Did she drink again?!" Your mom asked as Taehyung smiled awkwardly nodding. Junho got in getting a glass of water as you spoke, "Mom... I'm not drunk anymore."
"I see that. You're not sober either." She said as you walked towards the living room sitting while Aunt Mido frowned looking at everyone.

"Unnie! Did you really let her drink with other people?! I mean, Junho is her brother... but Mina and him- Why did you let her out?! She's a girl!" Aunt Mido spoke as your mom sighed saying, "Mido-yah.. not now. Let's talk about these later." She frowned at your mom looking at you in disbelief.
"Aigo... kids these days! Oh my.." Aunt Mido sighed making a face in disbelief as she left the room while you scoffed saying, "Did she just... how annoying!" 
"Y/Nah, ignore her." Your father said as you scoffed. Taehyung thinned his lips not knowing how to reply while Junho didn't even pay any attention to others. 
"Taehyungah, thanks for taking care of her." Your mom said as he smiled saying, "Isn't that my duty~?" Your mom chuckled as Junho spoke, "Mom! I was the one who drove!!" 
"But I know well you didn't even pay any attention to your sister." Your mom said as Junho sighed saying, "Mom, do you think I have to when this guy exists?" He said pointing at Taehyung as you looked at them sighing.

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