1 • Feeling & Sensing •

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A soft wind was blowing at you, hitting your frame that sat upright on a field of grass and flowers of all kinds and colors. The not too cold nor too warm breeze that was whistling into your ears as it passed you, sounded as if faint voices were talking to you just, you couldn't understand their words. Everything was so peaceful out here deep in the woods.

But, there was this tight feeling in your chest that the beautiful scenery couldn't alleviate, no matter how much you had stayed there. You had long forgotten how this feeling even came about or when it started to happen, only that it had been there for a very long time. Yeah, you had learned to live with it but it didn't change the fact that it still hurt.

Your breathing was slow and deep as you were taking in the fresh woody air; while ignoring the pain just like always. Only when the sun hung low on the horizon, did you stand up and stretched your limbs as if you wanted them to grow longer. Then you made your way through the woods, going deeper and deeper until you reached a small cabin that was stationed in the middle of nowhere. No road lead to it, so no one had come across it. At least, that was what had happened until now.

You were living right in the middle of the woods of the neutral area that is splitting the Clover Kingdom and the Spade Kingdom, which is also far away from the witches' forest. Not many, or better said, no one had ever stepped foot this deep into the thickest area of the woods. And this was where you were living.

Once you lit up the inside of the cabin with candles, since it had gotten pretty dark because the sun had disappeared from the sky, you settled down on a wooden chair. On the table right in front of you, there laid a thick book, though, it was only a little bit bigger than your hand. The cover showed a silver three-leaf clover in the middle. But you didn't touch it or even paid it any mind and just sat there.

Even though you possessed a grimoire, you never had any interest in using it. It had been laying on your table ever since you had gotten it individually in a grimoire tower. But you had never even bothered to look through it.
"...Come to think of it, when was it that I went there and got it?" You couldn't remember at all. You had also completely forgotten how the process of you receiving it had gone.

Just when you were about to fall deep into your thoughts, your body heated up all over, which you felt even to your fingertips. With every passing millisecond, pain, which came with the burning feeling, traveled all over your body, making your breath grow ragged.
You immediately took action and struggled outside with your grimoire. The book flipped open and while the pages quickly moved until it came to a halt, you had long reached the outside.
Without losing any time, you activated a spell.
Sound Magic: Sonar Sense
With the use of the spell, you closed your eyes.
This spell was intended for you to use sound waves in order to locate things.
Since you weren't looking for anything in particular, you were just browsing through the woods and sensed every single tree, plant, and animal in your environment. You especially observed the shapes of the plants, which you had long memorized because there was once a period when you were bored out of your mind and had nothing better to do, so this brilliant idea of looking and remembering individual trees, bushes, and flowers, even the nests of birds and other things came to your mind one day. And you could indeed recall everything now.

Only when you ran out of mana did the spell's effect stop. That was also when you returned to your cabin.
Now totally worn out from the usage of magic just now, you threw yourself into your bed. But it didn't take too long for your closed eyes to open wide again; and that with a reason. The pain in your chest had returned. You carefully sat up on your bed, the blanket still covering your whole body. With all the lights out, the vision you had had even before opening your eyes, hadn't changed.

Of course, that tended to be at dead night when you live in the middle of a huge forest that was mostly made of gigantic trees which were blocking even the sunlight from reaching the ground, so there was no way for the faint moonlight to even get near it.

But what bugged you, wasn't that you couldn't even see your own hands before your eyes, it was that no matter how exhausted you felt, you couldn't fall into a deep sleep. Even the smallest creak woke you from your slumber and it followed with you having trouble falling back asleep. "What's with me today?" So you laid there on your back, unable to fall back to sleep.

"Might as well make a quick round in the forest." With the hope of it getting you drowsy and making you able to have a good night's sleep, you left your bed and exited your house with a lit lantern in your hand. Only a few steps outside the house and you already stopped on the spot because your senses were suddenly tingling. It wasn't that you had used your Sonar Sense, but it was more like a gut feeling or an instinct. The tingling hadn't held on very long, it was just for a second that you had felt it, and then it disappeared as if nothing happened.

What you had just felt, didn't keep you from making your rounds though. But you didn't move too far away from your house and just walked slow steps while going in circles.
Even though you knew that it was of no use, you put your head in your neck and gazed up at the never-changing darkness which was caused by the huge crowns of the trees. Of course, you knew that doing that wouldn't make you able to see the sky but regardless, you still looked up. It was as if something inside you had the urge to do so. But of course, you saw nothing more than darkness.
Still, you kept on looking up as if you were searching for a change inside this seemingly never-ending blackness before your eyes.

A chilling wind hit you and it felt like it was piercing right through your body and freezing you to your bones. That was, what caused you to decide to hurry inside.

But because of the monstrous trees, you failed to notice the continually rising faint, black smoke that made its way up to the sky and disappeared in the air a mile or something away from you.

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