4 • Beasts •

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It was a clear day out... That was what you had thought at least because just like always, you couldn't tell since you lived inside the forest. All you could do was feel it in the air so you could only guess it. Though, you couldn't tell what the current weather was, except rain and a storm.
"Hmmm... What should I do today?" You were currently thinking about today's dinner as you wandered around the forest. "Maybe I should go and collect some ingredients." And so you grabbed a basket from your house and went to look for herbs and other digestive things nature had to offer. While on the search for those, you sang something while using magic simultaneously.

While in the middle of doing so, you heard something other than the rustling of the leaves and the wind. So you stopped in your tracks and also ceased singing to pay attention to the unknown noise coming from afar.
It seemed like a rumbling, which seemed to shake the ground under your feet. And it was quickly getting louder, indicating that this something, that was causing all this, was getting closer to you by the second.
"What is it?... Could it be wild animals?" Since this was in the middle of a huge forest, it wasn't strange to meet wild animals every now and then. But you preferred to stay out of their sight. And you had never seen wild animals or needless to say magic beasts running through the forest before, so this situation was completely new to you. You decided to run back to your house before they could get to you.

Or that was what you had planned. Because just as you wanted to make a run for it, it was already too late. Huge shadows were towering over you before you got thrown onto the ground and felt a heavy weight building on you.

"Am I going to get eaten?" The fear of getting eaten alive shook you. But even when you were scared out of your mind, your body didn't respond and you were just paralyzed. They weren't wild animals. They were beasts.
All that filled your vision, were the monstrous mouths nearing you before you shut your eyes tight. You could now feel their breaths hitting your whole body. "It this how I'm going to die?"
That was when you came into contact with something warmer than their breaths. And before you knew it, you felt all slimy and a bad smell filled the air.

"...Wh-what...?" Your mind could not register what you were seeing or feeling right now, as it needed time to process everything that was happening. While your brain was working, you laid still much like a stone figure. Then it finally hit you.
Those three beasts were licking you all over instead of trying to eat you.
Unsure and confused about the situation, you tried to stand up and first create some distance between yourself and those creatures.

That was when you heard loud rustling coming from the bushes behind them and out came a familiar-looking human this time. And this familiar-looking human was the first and until now the only person you had met after two decades.

Black hair sticking up to the heavens, shone under the light of the sun as they ever so slightly move with every step the man took. A cigarette was hanging from the edge of his mouth to which white smoke rose towards the sky and faded in the air.
His dark eyes have been focused on you ever since they found you and didn't let you go until he was now in front of you between the beasts, squatting down to get to your eye height. You had momentarily forgotten about the beasts when this man had appeared and now that he was close enough, you were directly looking him in the eye.

You saw him open his mouth to say something but he immediately got interrupted before even a single sound could leave his lips. What interfered with him talking, was a huge tongue licking him from the side, starting from his foot up to his head, leaving saliva over every part of his body and clothes its tongue had touched. Immediately, two tongues followed from his other side and his back, making him be in the same state as you: Completely covered in spit. Spit that reeked pretty bad.
It took a while until they finally ceased and sat behind the man like well-trained dogs.

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