3 • Meet Again •

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You breathed in, only for a deep sigh to leave your lips afterward. Ever since you had realized that you had been feeling lonely all this time after meeting this man yesterday, you kind of felt empty now. But regardless of this feeling, you still went outside to take a walk. Maybe you did it in the hopes of meeting him again.

While you were walking, you began to sing out loud to release your magic which had once again bottled up inside of you. Even though you had used up your mana just this morning, which was only a few hours ago, it had almost completely restored to your max capacity. "Ugh, the interval time of gathering up the mana shortened again..."
Suddenly, you were once again reminded of the man whose name you didn't know. "Come to think of it, even though I acted quite strange, he didn't ask any questions..." You were lost in your thoughts as you once again thought back to yesterday's events. You just couldn't get him out of your head. That was probably because he was the first person you had met for, like, two decades.

As you strode forward, you didn't pay any attention to where you were going, and when you finally snapped out of your daze, you found yourself...
In the darkness. You could feel yourself getting pulled back by a light force and the back of your head hit something hard. Right after that, you heard the deep, laid-back voice of someone familiar which made your heart jump.

You could now tell for sure that you had waited for him to turn up ever since you had begun your walk.

But the moment you could say anything, a heavy heartbeat interrupted you and you fell forward as you felt weak in your knees. Before you could fall though, he steadied you with two grips on your shoulders. Your head dropped down and hung low though.
Your trembling hand reached for your grimoire which you were carrying with you, unlike yesterday. You only managed to whisper some words through your teeth so he would not be alarmed. "Please don't worry... I don't intend to do anything harmful..."

Sound Magic: Sonar Sense

You were now constantly using your Sonar Sense until you got almost completely drained of mana. Of course, you took heed to save a considerate amount of mana for you to be able to move.

"Jup, yer mana has definitely decreased now." he remarked moments later after you had ceased to use your magic. You felt his eyes on you and thought that he was definitely going to question you about what you were doing out here where no single soul was. But to your surprise, he did not utter a single word regarding that matter. Instead, his eyes trailed down and his attention turned to your hand. "How's yer wrist?" was the first question for you. "Well, since I hurt it yesterday, it's not completely healed yet. But I can tell that the healing process is faster than normal. And it must be thanks to the ointment."
A small smirk played on his lips upon hearing that.

He turned his head and looked around as if he wanted to check your surroundings, and after a couple of seconds, he faced you again.
"I hafta go now. Be careful on yer way home." He walked off after saying that. Even as the distance between you gradually grew, you couldn't peel your eyes off his broad back for a while. But you eventually ceased doing so and turned away.

Unfortunately, you missed him stopping and looking over his broad shoulder.
A faint smile was on his lips. But just as how faint it had been for anyone to notice fast enough, it quickly disappeared as if it had never been there.
The spot where he had last seen you standing, was now empty. As he stared at the exact spot, he went into a trance. Though, the chilling wind that soon hit his face made him snap out of it. He then rummaged in his pants' pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. As he exhaled the smoke in his lungs, he followed the white, barely visible trail going up with his eyes. And with the next puff of smoke, he continued walking.

A sudden realization had hit you minutes after you had begun going home. And it had something to do with him, who you had just parted with. His image was still crystal clear in your mind: His raven-black hair, his striking eyes which seem to be able to see through you every time he looked at you,u and his buffed-up body. Even though you could probably dream of him tonight, there was one thing you didn't know about him but which you now wished you would know.

You had once again forgotten to ask this man's name.

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