2 • Meeting •

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Even though you had gone to sleep quite late last night, you were already up and about early the next morning. And since you had nothing to do, you took a walk again. The forest you had known pretty much all your life was nothing special for you and so you just coursed through it without thinking much about where exactly you were going.

All of a sudden, some strong gusts of wind blew past, which were coming from the direction you were currently heading to, and hit you so you reflectively raised your hands to block the wind from hitting your face and your hair fluttered back from the powerful force along with loose, dry leaves on the soil.
"What was that?" It was no normal wind, that much you could tell. But if it wasn't, then what caused it?
A strong desire of wanting to know what caused such a strong wind to blow made you strive further ahead and you did not stop until you were able to see the cause of it with your own two eyes. Once you had taken the first step forward, the same tingling sensation you had felt just yesterday night, cruised through your body, making shivers run down your spine. It wasn't in a bad way but you also couldn't tell what this feeling meant. You did not know where your feet were carrying you but you also didn't try to stop your body from moving. And just like this, you just continued going forward.

As you had walked quite a couple of meters, the tingling had grown stronger but it stopped instantly right before you could reach an open space, not closely surrounded by the tall trees all around you anymore.
Without this unknown feeling, you now seemed kind of lost and you also abruptly stopped on your track. "Ugh, what am I doing?" You had already forgotten what you came here for and just as you turned around to go back to your house, you hit something head-on, causing you to fall back on the soil.
If it weren't for the leaves to soften your fall, then it would probably have hurt a little.

You opened your eyes, which you had shut from the fall while putting your head on your neck to see what it was that you had run against. And you froze. You couldn't move a single muscle.
There was someone in front of you. Someone tall, causing you to have to look up quite high to look them in the face.

A young, tall man looked down on you. He had quite an intimidating face that looked even scarier from the lack of light that could fall onto his features. He had messy black hair with the ones above his forehead standing up on his head in which a very muscular body followed after his head.

But even though you could see him clearly, you had no time to look at his appearance because your vision suddenly became blurry. You raised a hand to your face and wanted to rub your eyes which had begun to sting. But something stopped you from doing it. After you had no means to wipe your eyes, you just shut them real hard and once the stinging had subsided, you opened your eyes again. That was when you saw black orbs staring back at you. Only for a moment though because the stinging in your eyes continued again and you felt something warm going down your cheeks until it reached your chin and dropped down to the ground. With your free hand which you could move around freely, you wiped away the tears. But it seemed to be useless because more tears just kept coming and streaming down your face and before you knew it, you were sobbing uncontrollably.

Now you knew what this feeling you had always had, was. What it was that had made your heart in your chest squeeze.
It was loneliness.
All the pent-up feelings inside you got released with your tears and you just couldn't stop it. Even when you could sense that the man in front of you seemed to be flustered by your sudden burst of tears, you just couldn't stop crying.

A good whole minute; maybe even two or more had passed before your crying fit finally stopped. But now you were looking at the ground with your head hanging low since you were way too embarrassed to look at him. Only the rustling of the leaves around you could be heard as the two of you weren't moving.
"How could you cry like a small child that got scolded by her parents in front of a total stranger?? He must be shocked now, seeing someone he just met suddenly have a sobbing fit like this!" You were mentally cursing yourself continuously when a deep voice stopped your train of thoughts. "Are you all right?" The grip around your left wrist loosened and was now gone so you looked to your left to see his hand drawing away from you. You had long forgotten that your left hand had been immobilized before he let go of it.
Right then, his voice reached your ears again, "Sorry for grabbin' you like that. It was just, you shouldn't wipe yer eyes with a hand full of soil." Once again, your gaze wandered to your hand which he had just let go of. He was right, your hand was covered with dust and mud.

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