5 • Another One •

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You were currently out in the woods. Actually, you weren't feeling very good today. You felt rather unwell; repeatedly breaking out in a sweat and breathing irregularly. It had already started the moment you had woken up this morning and so you had thought that some walking would do you good. But that wasn't a good idea.
"Did I get sick?" After some time, you could feel your body growing heavier and weaker. So you chose to return home. But it wasn't long until you eventually felt that you were slowly reaching your limit. On top of that, you were using Sonar Sense to deplete some mana, which took an even greater toll on your body.
But even though you were constantly using your Sonar Sense, the mana your body took in was now a little bit faster. So now, you had to use magic a little more often than before.

Through your Sonar Sense, you saw that there was something ahead of you a couple of miles away. Deciding to check it out while ignoring the current state you were in, you went further down the path. Even though you got the feeling that that something you had caught sight of wasn't anything bad or evil, as you got closer to the place, you became more wary.
What you saw, wasn't an animal or a magical beast. It was a human. It was as if your heart was pounding faster than before and you became eager to get to them faster.
But before you could get even closer to them, you blacked out.

The smell of grilled meat rose to your nose. You opened your eyes to see the azure sky. Just before you could register where you were, you saw something popping up and blocking the view of the sky. At first, it was grey and pointy but eventually turned into something you could identify as the face of a human. Bright, green orbs were blinking at you.
Upon the sudden appearance before you, you got startled and flinched, making you hit the back of your head on the ground. After a long groan, you sat up, this time without having another's face in front of you.

The young boy that now sat in front of you, was smiling. "You're up, big sis! Are you hungry?" He waved a big chunk of meat, that was pierced on a long branch, in the air.
Still confused about the situation, you blinked a few times before checking your surroundings. Based on the many trees and bushes surrounding you, you could be sure that you were still in the woods.
Then your glance eventually fell on the boy again.
He was young. Probably a teenager, you guessed.
"What is he doing out here all alone in the woods?"

"What are you doing here?" You said your thoughts out loud, curious about what such a young boy would do here deep in the woods.
Without any hesitation, he answered you, "I'm training! I want to get stronger and then become the wizard king! But what are you doing here big sis?"
(He is calling you something like "big sis" (Onee-san). That is a way of calling females that are not that much older than yourself)

"But before you answer that, do you not want to eat?" He swang the meat in his hand again, to get your attention on it. It was then that you noticed how hungry you were. No wonder, seeing how you had skipped lunch since it was already evening.
But before you took the stick with the meat, you refrained from doing so right before touching it and pulled your hand away. "What's wrong?" the boy asked when you weren't taking it. "Well", you began, "I can't be sure that you haven't done anything to it."

He had a friendly face. And this face didn't change when you mentioned that you were suspicious of him. "Yeah, that's understandable." He stared at the piece of meat in his hand for a while. Then, his face brightened again. "Would you eat it if I were to eat it first?" You shrugged. "Maybe?"
Immediately after you had said that he tore a big part of the meat and ate it. While still chewing, he brought it closer to you with yet another smile.
This time, you took it and slowly began to munch on it.

Then, you began to tell him what you were doing here. "I live here... for various reasons." Somehow, you were hesitant to tell him your story, so that was the only thing you gave away of you.
Thankfully, he was understanding and didn't ask you for those reasons.

It was quiet for some time and only the crackling sounds of the fire could be heard from time to time. "Did you catch it?" you asked him, starting another conversation. "Yes, I did!"
But you quickly turned silent again because you felt kind of strange. You didn't know what this feeling was but it was as if you knew it very well. Then, this emotion got mixed with another one that was foreign to you.
But you didn't have time to think about it because a wave of headaches were suddenly overcoming you and you felt nauseous. The boy noticed that you weren't feeling well and offered you to lay down while he would watch over you.

You didn't know if it was because you were too weak right now or if you trusted this boy but you actually laid back down and eventually fell asleep with the crackling noises of the fire.
"I feel like there's something about him that feels kind of of familiar..." But you weren't on the right state of mind to think about it further. Instead, you thought about something different, though, it was still about the boy.

"... What am I doing, leaving myself open to a teenage boy like him?... "

"I somehow feel something familiar about him... What could it be?"
Was your last thought before your sleepiness overcame you and you fell into a slumber.

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