6 • Parting •

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Your first attempt to open your eyes failed, as a bright source hindered you to part your eyelids and so you immediately shut them again after having parted them not even an inch.
The sun hung high in the sky, making its beams shine down on you. Only when you put a hand in front of your face, could you feel that the sun had been heating your skin because it was now slowly cooling down in the covers of your hand's shadow.
"Ugh... The sun's too bright." You turned to the side to prevent the radiating beams to reach your face.
"... The sun?"
You abruptly opened your eyes and sat up straight. Now with squinted eyes, you scanned your surroundings and were certain that you were in the open instead of waking up inside your dark cabin like usual. Full of confusion, you searched your memories for clues to work out the reason you were now here in this place, and slowly, everything came back to you.
You had now calmed down and looked for the boy who had been here with you. But he was nowhere to be seen.
Then you fiddled through your clothes in search of your grimoire. When you were sure that it was secured on your belt, you let out a relieved sigh.

"Is he gone?" You took a look around you again and only then did you see that someone appeared from between the bushes. At first, you were alerted but once you recognized him, you relaxed again. However, a thought came across your mind. "Can I trust him?" Another thought immediately overwrote the first one. "... I won't ever meet him again either way..."

"By the way," he suddenly exclaimed, "I haven't asked you what your name is yet. I'm Asta, and you?" You thought that he was a very genuine boy and didn't get the feeling that he had any bad intentions. After all, if he did, then he would have done something to you when you had been asleep. And so, even though you were sure that you were to never meet him again, you revealed your name. Though, after your quick name exchange, it was time to say goodbye.

"Now that you're awake again, I think I'll head back. What about you?" You flashed him a quick, small smile. "I'll also go home now. It was nice to meet you. Now then, I'll be on my way. Take care." You waved him goodbye before you turned your back to him and walked in the direction of your house.

While on your way back, you picked up some herbs and edible fruits which you could easily find with Sonar Sense.
Mixed feelings were running through you since you left. Joy was one of them, but the other emotions were indistinguishable for you. One thing you could be certain of was, that it was something negative. With those feelings following you, you went about your day and eventually went to bed.
"Just what is it that's bugging me so much?"
You had no answer to this question and you could already tell, that you wouldn't be able to get the answer any time soon.

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