7 • Change? •

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New day, same start. That was what you had though the day before going to bed. But today, your start of the day was way different than usual. Woken up by a loud noise, you jolted up from your bed. Confused from suddenly being pulled away from your sleep, you gazed at the darkness but couldn't pinpoint where the noise had been coming from. Since it happened so abruptly, your head wasn't functioning properly so you needed time to figure out where you were and what was happening.

My home,

In the forest,

In complete darkness

As always.

"What was that noise just now?" Another deafening sound came right after you finished this thought.
After debating if you should check it out or not, you eventually decided to go out and have a look because the noise just wouldn't cease. And so you lit up a candle to put it in a portable lamp.

Everything, except the cabin you were living in, was handmade by you, with no exception of the lamp in your hand right now. Well, considering that you were living alone in such an isolated place, it came to no surprise that you would build things to make living in such a place easier for you.

So now with the lamp lighting your way forward, you slowly got closer to the source of the noise. It was quite a great distance away but when you finally reached this place, you got startled by something flying by, right in front of you. Only inches away from your face, if you were to add.

That something not only startled you by suddenly coming out of nowhere, it was also the heat it gave off that made you stumble backwards.

And there it was again:
A loud bang

This time, it was almost deafening, seeing at you were now closer to the source of the sound. But it was way louder than you had expected, kind of explaining how the sound traveled all the way to your home, which was miles away.
Your eyes automatically flew to the point the exploding sound had come from to see loads of smoke escaping from it.
"Hm? What are you doing here in the woods?"
There were two people. The one who asked that question, was a boy with sunglasses, holding a bat. The other one, standing not too far away from him was also a boy with light brown hair who wore a big smile on his face.
Just when the boy with sunglasses had finished saying his sentence which was directed at you, the other teenager lunged at him at lightning speed.
The one being attacked reacted by defending with his bat. He deflected his opponent by swinging it right after the contact with him and it resulted in him flying away.

When your confusion subsided, you began observing them. The first boy had black and silver hair and his clothes looked rather eccentric for you. As for the other one, he was dressed rather ordinary.

To answer the question from a minute ago, you said, "I'm... just walking around I guess." You just said that, not wanting to reveal that you live in the woods.

Just then, the light-brown haired boy appeared from above, falling directly at him again and interrupting him as he was about to say something. He could barely shield him from him with his bat once again. "Goddammit Luck! Can't you see that I'm talking to her?!" But it seemed that he was indifferent about the fact that his friend was preoccupied with something, and just continued to come at him with his lightning magic.

With them colliding came a shockwave, which almost caused you to get knocked over. When the dust that was now flying everywhere from the blast of the collision, hit you, you shut your eyelids to avoid getting those small particles into your eyes.
When they were being this loud, you wouldn't have to worry about attracting any wild animals or magical beasts as they were rather scaring them away than attracting them.

You watched them in silence as you partially heard your heartbeat echoing in your eardrums in between the many booming noises.

"How could I be so careless?"
It had been a while when you were standing there and you had momentarily forgotten the time until you could start to feel that the mana inside you was in the verge of getting to your body's limit. You grimaced at the strain it put on your body and stumbled for a second before managing to steady your footing before you could fall to the ground.
You had temporarily forgotten to check on your mana intake, so now the mana inside you was beginning to be too much for you to bear.

That small, unusual movement was enough to draw their attention to you. They had both stopped their fight and were now looking to your direction. But upon their gazes, you tried to act as nonchalant as possible.
"Hey, you all right?"
Upon feeling your knees getting weaker, you crouched down. But you didn't stay like this very long.

"Now then, I'll have to go now." You abruptly stood up, turned around and stumbled as far away from them as possible. When you managed to leave a distance of a couple of feet, you slowed down your steps and activated the one and only spell in your grimoire. Sound Magic: Sonar Sense

While using this spell, you were thinking about the two boys a while longer.
Something about them gave you a sense of deja vu. But you couldn't have possibly come across them before as you would have remembered them seeing as you hadn't met anyone except Yami and Asta in decades so it must be something different or you were just overthinking it.

Giving the friendly term the two boys from earlier were on, you guessed that they were friends. "Must be nice..." Your heart throbbed for a second but disappeared just as suddenly as it began. "But I can't... I might..." You abruptly stopped your thoughts and you let out a long breather, as if wanting to blow the sadness away from you.
Various thoughts crossed your mind; thoughts to distract yourself from completing your previous, incomplete one.
"Today surely was a turbulent day..."
While you were nearing your house, you felt as though that something was different; as if something was about to change.

"... Or is it just a whish?"

Wake Me Up In The Darkness  || Yami Sukehiro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now