19. Another

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Mary pushed long, brunette hair behind her ear as she read through the case file she had been given by Coulson, she wanted to make sure she understood everything this mission was divulging to her

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Mary pushed long, brunette hair behind her ear as she read through the case file she had been given by Coulson, she wanted to make sure she understood everything this mission was divulging to her. The agent in the driver's seat watched the Doctor curiously. He was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that sitting beside him was his hero's sister, Mary Rogers-Barnes. He had looked up to Captain America since he was a boy, he had read everything there ever was on Mary as well. He had many questions rolling around in his mind, but he didn't want to impose on the woman.

"I can feel your eyes on me, Coulson, i know you have questions." Mary states, chuckling under her breath as she flips the page in the folder. "I wont be offended if you ask them." She clarifies, looking up at the man, her hazel eyes boring into his own brown eyes.

Coulson clears his throat, looking ahead at the barren, desert road in front of them as they pass the New Mexico boarder sign. "I have too many wanting to be asked all at once." He explains, slightly embarrassed despite knowing the woman beside him since 2008. The two had met when Tony was rescued from Afghanistan and wanted to hold the press conference that changed Stark Industries for the better. "Were you there when it all happened?" He asks, finally deciding on a question to ask.

Mary nods, "To a degree." She explains, "I was with Steve when we infiltrated Hydra's main base. But Schmidt injected me with the serum we later found out froze my body chemistry and i was out of the fight." She says, "I was pregnant with James and I's daughter at the time."

"You have a child?" Coulson asks astounded, nowhere in the history books or records was it ever accounted that Mary and James Barnes had a child.

Mary nods, "Rebecca Sofia Barnes. My beloved baby girl." She answers, "I asked that she not be in the history books. Peggy and Howard thought it was best as well."

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know." Mary replies, the same answer she's given to everyone who's asked where Becca is. She didn't know where her daughter was, but she would give anything to know. "She was taken from me when she was five. Kidnapped by masked strangers."

Coulson hesitates, he never realized the pain and suffering the woman beside him had endured in her never ending life. He knew Mary and Steve's story, he knew they lost their parents young. Then to have the second world war on their generation's shoulders. The famous trio of Steve, Bucky and Mary were bound as family on New Year's Day, 1945 when Bucky and Mary married. But their happiness only lasted three months when Bucky fell off the train of the Commando's last mission. And then to make matters worse, the sister had to not only endure the loss of her husband, but brother as well when Steve crashed the plane in the Atlantic.

"You've been through a lot." Coulson says quietly, "Not many people can endure what you've lost."

Mary smiles weakly, looking out the window, "I'm not sure i'm enduring." She states.

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