32. Let Me Try

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Steve, Natasha and Becca were walking through a mall in an attempt to read what was on the file that Natasha had procured from the Lumerian Star

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Steve, Natasha and Becca were walking through a mall in an attempt to read what was on the file that Natasha had procured from the Lumerian Star. They had changed their clothes to blend in with the mall crowed better.

"First rule of going on the run is, walk, don't run." Natasha whispered to Steve, he rolled his eyes at his friend, slinging his arm over his niece.

"If I run in these shoes, they're going to fall off." Steve retorts.

Becca didn't know what to make of all the people around her as her uncle and friend made their way into a store to use a laptop to look up the file on the flash drive. The teenager was stunned by anything and everything she saw in the mall, the people, the foods, smells, clothing options, everything. She thought that if she had been raised normally then she would be normal in these kinds of crowds. She wished her mother was with her, but she was thankful to have her Uncle and Natasha.

As the three made their way into what Becca learned was an Apple Store, the two adults quickly bee-lined for a laptop, "The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up Shield will know exactly where we are." Natasha informs Steve as she quickly types on the computer.

"How much time do we have?" Steve asks, scanning the area carefully for anyone suspicious. He holds Becca close to himself to let himself know that she's safe.

Natasha smirks as she opens up a laptop, "Uh.. About nine minutes from.." She trails off as she sticks the flash drive into the computer, "Now." She states as she quickly begins to type to encrypt the files on the drive. Becca is mesmerized by everything Natasha is doing.

Soon Natasha has pulled up files off the drive, looking them over quickly, "Fury was right about that ship, somebody's trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of A.I, it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands." She states.

Steve looks at his friend concerned, his mind going a million miles an hour as he is keeping watch for any of the Strike team, "Can you override it?"

"The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly." Natasha retorts, typing out her commands quickly, but Becca grabs her hand, drawing her attention.

"Let me try?" Becca asks, Natasha hesitates, but she knows that girls in the Red Room were trained for things like this. so Natasha nods, stepping aside and Becca then takes the reins of the computer. The redhead's eyes widen, the teenager is smarter than her, typing out commands faster than she was. "I'm going to try running a tracer." She informs her uncle and friend, her features changed into one of seriousness, like a switch was flipped in her mind.

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