08. I Thought He Was Smaller

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Later that same day, Steve had decided he wanted to draw with Mary, bypassing the time at the camp they were being stationed in by Senator Brandt

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Later that same day, Steve had decided he wanted to draw with Mary, bypassing the time at the camp they were being stationed in by Senator Brandt.

Mary had always loved when Steve would draw, he was a natural talent at it, she admired how her would look at things differently in the world when he'd draw, or sketch.

Her brother opens his sketch book and sees the drawing he did of Mary and Bucky when she was fourteen and Bucky was Seventeen. Causing him to smile, "Remember this one?" He asks.

Mary nods, "How could i forget my amazing pose?" She teases.

"Draw me, Stevie!" A fourteen year old Mary Rogers asked her brother, they were sitting outside the apartment complex they lived in, their friend Bucky had gone to get some snacks for the trio down at the general store just up the block.

A sixteen year old Steve Rogers laughed at his sisters antics as she kept changing her face from silly to serious, and then back to silly.

"Alright, Lizzie." He states, grabbing his notebook and pencils, Mother had saved up her money and gotten him nice pencils to color and draw with, while Mary pooled her money with Bucky to get Steve a nice book to draw in a few years back.

"Stand over at the corner of the railing." He instructs her, Mary nods, rushing to where he told her to go, giving him the most crazy pose she can think of in the moment.

Her left arm above her head while her right hand is perched on her hip, her left leg slightly bent, she also includes her tongue sticking out at him and one of her eyes closed, winking at him.

Her brother laughs loudly at the sight of his sister, he then starts to sketch her, meanwhile Bucky is walking up the stairs with the small amount of snacks he was able to get for the trio. He sees Mary and can't help him self but to laugh, causing Mary to jump at the new voice.

"James!" Mary scolds, ever since the two met, Mary refused to call him by his nickname in his presence. She loved his first name James, swearing to him that she would only ever call him by that when he's in the same room as her.

Bucky hated it at first, preferring to be called by his nickname, but he soon caved, seeing how happy it made the little hazel eyed girl when she would use his first name.

"You nearly startled me out of my pose!" She scolds him, then resuming her ridiculous face for her brother to sketch.

Bucky apologizes to the girl, then its beside Steve, watching him work, "you know you could make a living off of sketching people, Stevie." He states.

Steve shrugs, "I only like it as a hobby.." the brother trails off, continuing to focus on his sister.

Mary huffs, "You like it more than a hobby. You just don't see it bringing in enough money to support us." She corrects him.

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