14. Through the years

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Upper West Side, New YorkJanuary 1st, 1950

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Upper West Side, New York
January 1st, 1950

Mary smiled at she packed up hers and Becca's things, "Becca! Don't forget your picture you drew for Daddy and Uncle Dum Dum!" She exclaims as she zips up the small bag.

It was the fifth wedding anniversary for Mary and Bucky, every year since Becca was born, everyone who knew Bucky would get together on that day at his gravestone and have a picnic afterwards, honoring his family and his memory.

A little brunette girl with uneven pig tails and bright blue eyes comes bounding into the room, "Uncle Howie did my hair!" Becca shouts with excitement, giggling as she shows her Mama.

Mary grins, shaking her head, "You know Uncle Howie can't do your hair." She reminds her four year old daughter.

"But it's funny watching him try." Becca replies, giggling as she grabs her teddy bear, Mr Stuffington, a bear Mary had kept from she was a teenager.

Mary walks out with everything she needs, smiling down at Becca. They walk into the living room, seeing Peggy and Howard talking.

"Alright." Mary whispers to Becca as she bends down to her height, "I need you to go surprise Auntie Peggy." She tells her, "Super Stealth Commando mission."

Becca gasps, nodding her head rapidly, she loved being considered a Howling Commando, always wanting mission like her Uncles told her that her Uncle Stevie and Daddy used to do before the went to a better place.

Becca wanted to go to that better place, but her Mama always told her that it wasn't for Becca, that her Daddy and Uncle Stevie are looking down and watching over them everyday.

Mary walks into the kitchen as Becca sneaks around Howard's expensive furniture, they were still living in Howard's house in New York, they enjoyed being around people, and Howard had too much room, if he didn't have Mary and Becca with him, he would go stir crazy.

The mother watches her daughter as she fills a small basket full of fruits and sandwiches, trying not to blow her daughter mission with her laughter.

Becca sneaks up behind where her Auntie Peggy is sitting, talking with Uncle Howie, she gets ready to pounce when someone lifts her up, startling her, she looks around, seeing her Mr J, "Mr J!" She shouts, "You ruined my Super Secret Commando mission that Mama gave me!" She shouts, pursing her lips and crossing her arms in frustration.

Both parties on the couch turn to look at Becca, laughing in the process, each one of the people in the household saw Bucky in his little girl more and more each year. She had gotten his playfulness, his joking behavior, but also had gotten much of her personality from Mary. When Becca saw something hurt, she would want to look after it. So more often then not, Howard's house became a pet hospital for birds and squirrels.

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