31. Time of Death 1:03am

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Steve clutched his sister as she cried in his arms, Becca watched them carefully, her mind finally catching up to her and realizing that the woman who her Uncle Stevie was holding was her mother

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Steve clutched his sister as she cried in his arms, Becca watched them carefully, her mind finally catching up to her and realizing that the woman who her Uncle Stevie was holding was her mother.

Her precious Mama.

Tears welled in Becca's eyes, "Mama!" She screams, trying to get to her but the agent holding her wont let her go. "Mama it's me!" She screams again, fighting against the agent's grip, she didn't bruise easily anymore, not since the burning liquid was put into her system.

The mother stood up when she heard her daughter's cries, she broke free from her brother and raced to her precious daughter.

Steve motioned for the agent to let Becca go and once he did, she ran towards her Mama. The two girls finally made it to each other, their arms wrapping around each other like their lives depended on it. They both cried into each others shoulders, Mary's arm was still fractured but she didn't give a damn, her daughter was back in her arms once again.

"Becca, my baby girl.." Mary murmurs, she kisses her daughters hair, "No one will ever take you from me again." She mutters, fighting the burning pain in her body as her and Becca fall to the floor in each others arms.

Becca smiles at her Mama, "I missed you so much." She mutters, "So much, Mama."

Steve smiles at the two girls, but then notices his sister's slumped position on his niece, "Mary?" He questions as Becca tries to get her Mama's attention.

"Mama? Mama?!" Becca tries to call to her mother, Steve takes his sister into his arms, his heart shatters when he sees a pool of blood in her stomach and chest. How he didn't notice them before drives him crazy, "Medic!" Steve shouts. The shooter had gotten his sister as well, but no one noticed until it was too late.

Becca shakes her mother, "Mama wake up!" She shouts. "Mama come on! We found each other!" She screams, but Steve takes his niece into his arms, prying her away as the EMT's take his sister's body.

He heard a faint heartbeat from her, she was still alive, but the pain had comatose her. He held his niece with all his strength, Steve didn't know how, but his niece nearly as strong as he was.

Becca was hysterical, screaming, thrashing in her uncle's arms, nothing was calming her down. She had just watched her worst nightmare come true, her mother was dying.

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