Chapter 1 ~ Under attack

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"How is 0012?" Hector asked as he looked through the one sided window of the 0012 room. But It didn't look like a room, it looked like a jail cell, the walls were concrete but decorated with drawings, a bed with purple covers next to the wall and a wooden desk and chair a couple feet from the bed.

0012 sat on the floor, in what looks like a grey jail sulit with TBO Written in orange on the left side on her chest.

She was drawing in her sketchbook. It was only two hours a day that she could do anything she liked. Something other than training, but She usually spent those few hours drawing in her sketchbook.

"She is actually doing pretty well, better than I expected. She is able to speak and understand other people and is doing pretty well in her classes."Judith replied looking at the Information she received on her iPad.

"And her Mutant abilities?" Hecter asked rather curiously. If she managed to shake a whole entire building in one mount down after a couple of hours of her birth what else is she capable of doing? he thought

"Well it Seems like she has the ability of telekinesis. Very powerful Mutation but it seems It all comes down to her emotions the more threatened she feels the more powerful she is" Hecter looked at Judith taking his eye off 0012. "But the glowing eye, what is that about?" He asked

"It seems like her eyes glow everytime she user's her ability." Judith said not taking her eyes off her ipad as she checked through 0012 progress.

"Is there anything else I need to kn-

"ALERT, ALERT. SOMEONE'S BREAKING INTO THE PREMISES '' The emergency system shouted through the comms, Hectares eyes widened as Quickly snatched the tablet out of Judith hands. Quickly logging in to the security cameras.

"Shit!" he muttered as he saw Reeva, the frost sisters and Andy Strucker walking into the bundling and as if Reeva could tell he was watching she looked into the Cameras with a smirk. "Girls" She called out as The frost sisters eyes glowed blue. The three went into The minds of all of the bodyguards they were in the area making them turn and point their guns to the camera.

"Fire" They smirked as the cameras went black.

"FUCK!" He yelled as His hands went to scrunch up the rest of the hair he had left

"YOU!" He pointed at Judith, making her flich back. "GET SOME OF THE GUARDS AND GET 0012 OUT OF HERE NOW." Judith nodded before rushing out the room




0012 P.O.V

I tightly grip the pencil on my hand as I drawed into the sketchbook that Judith got me. I don't know what to feel about Judith, she brought me nice stuff but she wasn't a nice person. She and Hecter- Who I called doctor White were not nice people.

I sighed as I moved the pencil faster and faster. It was the only time in my schedule that I could do whatever I wanted. I put the pencil down as my hand started to ache and I shook it a little bit to make the pain go away faster.

My other hand went into my pocket and brought out my schedule to see what I had next.

My Schedule:

8:30 am - get up and Judith will take you to the bathroom to shower, brush your teeth, change ect.

9:12 am - Have breakfast

9:26 am - Math class

11:00 am - training your powers, with Hector and Judith

12 :56 am - Eating in room

1:20 pm - Reading and spelling

2: 20 pm - free time

4:00 pm - eating in room

4:20 pm - Watching videos of learning human Emotions

5:00 pm - training

5:40 pm - dinner

5:56 pm - shower and get changed

6:24 pm - bedtime

Yes food I thought with a smile before putting my schedule back into my pocket going back to drawing trying to get the most out of my limited free time.

"ALERT, ALERT. SOMEONE'S BREAKING INTO THE PREMISES '' I jumped up at the loudness of the voice shouting through the intercoms. "What's going on?" I muttered looking around my room in confusion.

It wasn't that long until my room door was busted open. I turned around to see Miss Judith and four other body guards around her. "What's going on?" I asked her.

"Guards grap her," She said Ignoring my question as she pulled out a needle from her coat pocket. "No!" My eyes widened as the four guards walked closer and closer.

"No!" I yelled trying to run for the exit, pushing Judith out of the way. But before I could make it out of the room I felt a strong arm pull me back. "No, no. Let me go. LET ME GO" I Struggled in the grip trying to break free.

I felt my eyes glow the familiar purple but before I could do anything. Judith rushed forward and put the needle in my neck.

"Ahh!" I moaned In pain

"No,n-no" I muttered, my eyes slowly closing.

"LET HER GO!" I heard someone shout as I finally closed my eyes shut.

"Fire, fire, fire" I heard the voice of three women say as the world went black. 


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