Chapter 10 -  Bracelets and kicks

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3rd P.O.V

Lydia walked around the hall looking for Lorna with a big smile on her face and a bracelet in hand, a bracelet she got at the shop for Lorna. It was a black bracelet with a green gem in the middle, it wasn't match but Lydia wanted to thank her for being so kind to her now she was on a mission to find Lorna.

"Lydia!" She heard Reeva called out making her turn around. "Where are you going."

Lydia hid the bracelet behid her and give her best innocent smile, "I'm looking for Lorna, do you know where she is?"

"Try her room, she might be there." Reeva suggested making Lydia nodded with a quiet thanks before raining towards Lorna's room.

"Lorna!" She popped her head throw the door to see the green hairs girl looking out her bedroom window, Lorna threw the small girl a small, "hey Lyds, I heard you went shopping with your dad today."

"Mmhm!" Lydia nodded happily walking into the room. "It was so much fun! And dad says will have a movie marthon." Her eyebrows came to together as she tried  to say the word

Lorna chuckled, "Marathon, not marthon."

Lydia looked down as she begin to feel herself became shy. What if she didn't like it? She thought

"Sweetheart, what's wrong." She asked looking at the young girl with a concerned look in her eyes.

"I-Ahme, I got something for you." Lydia muttered blushfully still looking down.

Lorna smirked, "Oh yeah, then can I see it."

Lydia took a deep breath before having her the bracelet still looking down afraid to see her reaction.

Lorna gasped as she looked at the bracelet, "It's beautiful, Lyds"

Lydia looked up with a smile on her face, "really?"

Lorna nodded with a smile as she put the bracelet on, "Yes really-oooaaaww."

Lydia eyes widen in fear as Lorna hand came to her stomach. "What's wrong! Are you alright! Are you okay! Are you going to die, oh my god your going to die!"

Lorna chuckled at the girls rambling, she sounded like her father when she did that. "No Lyds I'm not going to die." Lorna sat down on the couch near her. "They baby is just kicking."

Lydia's eyes went even wider as she stared at her stomach. "It can do that"

"Yes, yes it can." Lorna nodded. "Why do you want to feel it."

Lydia nodded unable to say anything else. Lorna grabbed the small girls hand putting it on her round stomach, she felt nothing for a moment before she felt a hard kick come in contacted with her hand making her gasp in surprise.

"I know weird right."


The two girls jumped as Andy popped his head around the door.

"Jesus! Andy!" Lorna cursed as andy mouthed sorry to her before looking at Lydia.

"You ready for the movie marathon." He asked jokingly wiggling his eyebrows.

Lydia laughed with a nodded, "mm soo ready!"

Andy opened the door wide enough for Lydia to walk through.

"We'll than let's go." He happily exclaimed




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