Chapter 2 ~ the boy Virgin Mary

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0012 P.O.V

I could hear bits and pieces of some people talking. But I couldn't move it, I couldn't open my eyes.

"How long will she be asleep" someone spoke but it sounded like one of the girls who said fire.

"I don't know, this wasn't exactly part of the plan." Some other girl replied.

I heard some more voices but couldn't make out what they were saying as the world slowly went black.




At the Hellfire compound, 3rd person P.O.V

"Come,come '' Andy muttered, controller in hand, looking at the video game in front of him.

A knock came from the door. "Andy, can I come in?" lorna said from the otherside of the door. "Yeah, sure," Andy replied. Pausing his video game as Lorna walked in looking as pregnant as ever.

"Reeva needs to talk to you. It's about the little girl you guys saved" Lorna said Crossing her arms against your chest.

"Yeah, what about her" Andy asked confused

"I think it will be better if Reeva told you"




"What!" Andy blinked looking at the five women in front of him. "The little girl is your daughter Andrew." Reeva Repeated as Andy blinked again looking as confused as ever. "What"

Esme, Phoebe and Sophie scoffed in usion. "Look, I know this might be a little shock-"

"A little shock." Andy said, cutting Lorna off. "H-how is this even possible" Andy ran his finger through his hair.

"Well, the TBO is known for there obsession-

"-with mutant-

"-Bloodlines" The frost sister said

"What does that even mean" Andy asked, Reeva walked towards him. "It means that they somehow got your DNA. I don't know how but they did and I know this might be a little shocking. But trust me we did a DNA test more than ten times, she's yours" Reeva said looking at Andy But he was too busy in his own thoughts.

She's mine? He thought. I have a kid He thought.

"Shit" He whispered, sitting down on the closest couch nearby, with his hands in his hair. He couldn't believe it, he was a father. He was a 16 year old single father.

"Look, I know this might not be what you expected." Andy looked at Reeva to continue, "So I called all the orphanages nearby that take in mutants." Andy quickly stood up.

"No!" Andy quickly denied. He shook his head as He felt a strange feeling of protectiveness overcome him. "No, She will stay" He insisted as Lorna walked up to him.

"Andy, I get it but you're still a kid" Lorna Said looking at him with sympathy. "No!" He shook his hand. "Andrew" Reeva tried to put her hand on his shoulder but he Shrugged it off.

"NO" The building started to shake as the five women looked around the room. "And-"

"NO" He cutted Esme off Before continuing. "She Is staying or I will take her and leave" The building started to shake more.

Reeva turned to look at the triplets before looking back at Andy with a sigh. "Okay-" The room stopped shaking as Reeva continued, "But if she's going to stay she will need a room- Reeva turned to the triplets. "-Girls tell Sage to find anything a little girl under 10 would like in her room." The girls nodded before quickly turning on their heels.

"There's an empty room right next to mine. She can take it." Andy said, Reeva nodded. "Okay, I'll prepare the room for her." She turned walking out of the room without another word.

"Oh my god." Andy Whispered sitting back down on the couch as The truth finally came to him. "What, it" Lorna arcs looking at Tamworth concern as she sat down right next to him.

"I'm the boy Virgin Mary" He said with such seriousness

"Really." Lorna softly chuckled. 

His DNA ~ a Andy Strucker storyWhere stories live. Discover now