Chapter 9 - shopping and nerves

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3rd P.O.V

Lydia looked out of the car window, nervously taping her fingers on her thigh as she felt her hands start to sweat. It was her first time out of the building and she has never felt more nervous in her life.

"Hey Lyds." Andy spoke keeping his eyes on the road making sure he didn't hit a car or something. Lydia turned her attention towards him.

"Your going to be fine okay." Andy said occasionally looking at her before looking back on the road. "We're just going to get you some clothes, okay? And if you feel like you can't do it or feel scared, just tell me than we'll leave okay. No question asked."

Lydia nodded slowly, "Okay."

Andy threw her a smile as Lydia turned back to the window. When her dad first asked if she wanted to go shopping with him to get herself some close she was excited but now that she was actually going she felt more nervous than excited.

"Okay, we're here." Andy unbuckled his seatbelt getting out the car and quickly opening Lydia's door.

"Hey, hey!" Andy whispered concerned once she saw the sacred look on his daughters face. "What's wrong! Are you ok! We can go home if you want."

"I-I'm fine." Lydia replied looking at all the people behind him, she's never been around this many people before. "I'm just never been around this many people before."

Andy give her a understanding look as he grabbed her hands and if it a little squeeze. "It's okay to be nervous and if you don't want to go inside just tell my I'm not going to force you into anything, your my daughter and if you want to go back then let's go back and do this another day okay"

"N-no I-" Lydia took a breath before looking at her dad with determination. "I want to go inside, I can handle it."

Andy looked at her with a proud smirk. "That's my girl and remember you can't call me dad when we're inside, we have to pretend we're brother and sister okay and also-"

"-no using my powers in public, I know" Lydia cut him off with a smile. "You've told me before we even got in the car!"

Andy chuckled, "Okay, come on."

Lydia quickly unbuckled her seatbelt jumping out the car before holding on to her dads hand as they both walked into the shop called Target.




Lydia and Andy both walked out of target, Lydia with the biggest smile on her face as she held onto her new teddy bear and Andy with an exhausted look on his face trying his best to carry the five bags full of stuff.

Dear god! Andy thought. She's worse than Lauren when it comes to shopping.

Once in the store Lydia couldn't help but want everything in the store but once Andy explained that she couldn't get everything in the damn store and to Focus on the stuff she needed not the stuff she wanted but of course one look at her puppy dog eyes he couldn't refuse and once he found out that Lydia never watched tv in all her couple weeks in living he made sure to buy all the princess, starwars and barbie movies he could find.

Once he finally put all the things in the car and made sure that Lydia was buckled in he sat in the divers seat with a loud sigh.

"Finally, home time!"




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