Chapter 8 - Training and Sisters

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3rd P.O.V

"Lydia, Andrew told me you can move things without touching them. Now I want to see what you can do." Reeva spoke, her arms crossed over her chest with the triplets behind her. Lydia was sitting at a desk with an empty coke can and a rock on the table, Lorna and Andy by her side.

It was 8:30 am and the first thing Lydia wanted to do was test out her powers to the people who didn't think she was a freak. They already showed Lydia their abilities and now she wanted to show them what she could do.

"Let's try the can of coke first." Reeva unfolded her arms as she pushed the coke can in front of her. Lydia stared at it for a second before she felt her eyes glow purple as she used her telekinesis to slowly crush the can in front of her.

"Very good, now the rock." Reeva nodded with a small polite smile as she pushed the can aside before pushing the rock in front of her.

Lydia looked at the rock before turning to her dad to see him smiling a large proud father smile. Lydia couldn't help but smile back before turning to the rock in front of her.

Lydia once again felt her eyes glow as she used her telekinesis to left up the rock spinning it around before groping it making it come down with a loud thud.

"Very good, Lydia, you've done a wonderful job. Andrew takes Lydia up to the kitchens, I think it's time for her breakfast." Andy nodded before grabbing his daughter's hand.

"Come Lyds, it's time for your breakfast." Andy smiled at the little girl.

"Can we have pancakes?" Lydia asks as she and her father step into the elevator.

"Well of course we can."




Lydia layed down on the bed with a loud sighed, she ate more pancakes than she could handle and knew her tummy felt a little sore.

'Should have listened to dad.' Lydia thought as she remembered the countless times her father told her to slow down. She took this time to look around her dad's room but unlike the last time her eyes caught a picture of her dad with a girl with blonde hair but instead of blonde her father had brown hair.

"Dad." Lydia said getting up from her place. "Who's that?"

"Who's who-oh." Andy looked over to find his daughter pointing to a picture of him and Lauren.

"That's Lauren." Andy said, walking up to the picture grabbing it then sitting down next to his daughter. "She's my sister and your aunt."

"I have an aunt." Lydia's eyes widened in excitement. "Where is she, can I see her?"

"No." Andy looked down at the picture, he didn't even remember bringing it. "She's away, but I know she would love to meet you."

"Do you miss her?" Lydia asked as Andy nodded still looking down at the picture too. Lydia frowned as she realised she made him sad, she didn't want to make him sad.

"I bet she misses you too." Lydia asked as Andy turned to her. "Really." He asked as Lydia brightly smiled.

"Of course." She nodded. "You're amazing who won't miss you."

Andy smiled as all the sadness left his body, she somehow also knew how to make him smile.

"Thank you Lyds. I think you're amazing too." 




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