Chapter 13: The Illusion

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Jareth looked at his daughter and then approached her, placing his hand on her head.

"Do your best, my little rose. You might have Sarah fall into your trap soon enough."

Roselea nodded and looked at him.

"Get to your spot, father. I don't want you trapped in here too. My illusions can get quite out of control."

"Of course. Have fun my princess. Know that I'm always proud of you." And he left the room.

Princess Roselea then casted a giant illusion in the throne room of the castle. The walls were changed into walls of white smoke. Crystal orbs floating around as Sarah entered the illusion, right on time. Roselea then broke a crystal at her feet, sealing the two of the in this illusion.

Sarah ran into the smoke, meeting up with Roselea, dressed in a masquerade outfit, her coattail making a dress out of her coat. Her coat shimmered like Jareth's in the peach dream, a beautiful royal blue coat with a matching vest, and pants. Her hair was pinned to look like a crown upon her head, the brown bits flowing down her face and the golden bits making the crown. Her face wore a mask, the most immaculate mask you could ever imagine. The gold and royal blue accents complimented her outfit.

"Are you having fun yet, Sarah?" She asked as she revealed her true face.

"Why are you doing this? Why did you help me?"

"In all reality, I helped you because I could not bare to see you turn into one of the trash ladies or having your little brother here forever..."

"So you do care..."

"I'm not heartless... I am just doing what is right to protect my kingdom. You and your brother do not belong here." Roselea says as she throws up her mask and it disappears.

"I've created this illusion in order for me to stop time in the Labyrinth to talk with you."

"What? You can stop time?"

"Only in the Labyrinth for a short period of time. I can stop the clock for a little while, freezing everyone outside this bubble for a short while. It takes a lot of my energy, but it is worth it." Roselea smiled at her brilliantly casted illusion and looks back to Sarah.

"Up until now, I have helped you because I want you to go back home with your brother. I want to make sure that your little brother does not get adopted by my father."

Sarah looked at Roselea with confusion.

"What do you mean by that?"

"My father is taking a particular interest to Toby. I've only ever seen the joy in his face when I was first learning to walk and talk. He has this fatherly glow about him. He seems way too attached to want to turn him into a goblin."

"But he said-"

"I know what he said, but he can change his mind in an instant. I want to prevent you losing your brother and losing your memories of him. I want you to go back to your world unscathed." Roselea said as she walks closer to Sarah and places her hand on her shoulder.

"You will only remember that you have talked to me for a short period of time. You have 40 minutes to defeat my father. Once I touch your forehead you will not remember all the details of this conversation. All you will know is that I have helped you for no real reason and that you only have 40 minutes left. You need to say your right words in order to leave this Labyrinth."

Sarah looked at her and then hesitated when Roselea was about to touch her forehead.


"What now? I don't have all the time in the world here."

Sarah then wrapped her arms around Roselea and held her tight.

"Thank you for helping me, even if you were not doing it for my benefit. I know I will forget this moment but at least I will hopefully make an impact on you."

Roselea first resists the hug and then she hugs her back too.

"You are the most entertaining runner I have ever met. Now don't waste your time." Roselea places her hand on Sarah's forehead and all the smoke disappears. Roselea starts to collapse as Sarah catches her.

"Why? Why are you helping me?" Roselea asks Sarah as her legs weakly try to pull out from under her.

"You did help me, so therefore you are my friend." Sarah said as she helps Roselea to her throne.

"What do you remember?"

"I remember that an owl rescued me before I got here in the throne room. Then I suddenly saw you collapsing out of no where so I grabbed you."

Roselea weakly smiled as she laid on her throne.

"Go on. You only have 30 minutes." And with that, Sarah was off to the Escher room


Sarah ran into a room that must have had hundreds of staircases. Stairs on the ceiling, stairs on the walls, openings in every direction.

"How you turn my world, you precious thing.... you starve, nearly exhaust me..." Jareth sang his haunting melody to Sarah as he passes through her like a ghost.

"Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one." He sings as he walks up and down the stairs. Sarah tries to not get distracted by Jareth's magic stairs. She needed to find Toby.

"You've run so long, you've run so far... your eyes can be so cruel. Just as I can be so cruel." Jareth is in that chilling tone with a hint of sadness throws a crystal down the stairs.

Sarah finally spots Toby when the crystal lands in his hands and he starts crawling on the stairs.

"Live without the sunlight... love without a heart beat... I...I... can't live... within you..." Jareth finishes he hauntingly tragic song as the music in the room swells around Toby and Sarah.

Sarah runs around for quite some time, feeling like she would never reach Toby. She then spotted him below her so she decides to jump for him.

And in that jump, the room fell apart around her. The pieces like puzzle pieces floating in the air as she gracefully lands on the broken stone floor where she stands face to face with the Goblin King.

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