Chapter 9: The Bog of Eternal Stench

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Sarah was pulled up to safety by Hoggle, scaling the wall as quickly as possible while the Fireys' heads flew trying to tempt her. Hoggle batted them away and brought Sarah up.

Sarah looked down and she saw the owl in the tree. She whispered a thank you to it and it flew off, heading towards the castle.

"Thank you, Hoggle."

"No need to thank me..." Hoggle said as he looked at Sarah...

"You will give her that peach, Hoggle..." Jareth said.

"Would it hurt her?"

"Oh, why the concern?" Jareth said as he looked to him, making Hoggle cower in fear.

"It's... j-just I don't want to hurt the little lady..."

"Oh? Is it that you fell in love with her?"

"N-n-no! No Jareth sir... y-y-er highness..."

Jareth just laughed it off. "Do you really think she would love a little scab like you? You are a goblin, a troll, a repulsive little thing!"


"You will give her that peach..."

"Yes... sir..."

The terrifying moment he had with Jareth danced through Hoggle's head. He didn't want to hurt Sarah in the least bit.

Sarah and Hoggle continued on there way, Hoggle being sure to stay away from Sarah.

"If she kissed you, I'll turn you into a prince... the Prince of the land of Stench!" Were Jareth's words that echoed in Hoggle's head.

"I'm so thankful I could kiss you!" And she did... even thought Hoggle said no and struggled to get out of her grasp.

The kiss triggered a trap door that lead straight into The Bog of Eternal Stench. Suddenly they were sliding down, but thank goodness there was a root that Sarah grabbed and then she grabbed her friend before they could land.


Roselea went back into the castle and checked back with Sarah. Her crystal revealed Sarah being helped up by Hoggle. Roselea breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad to see Sarah safe.

But this feeling felt weird... why did she even care about her? This was treason! She actually feared the safety of the runner. She never did that before. Well... She never really hated the runner before either.

Roselea looked at the crystal for awhile. She never really hated anything... She was always happy, kind, and considerate. But here she was being just like her father when a runner comes along. Defensive, cruel, ruthless, cunning, and angry.

Roselea thought for awhile, then made the crystal go away. She paced a bit, thinking and questioning. She cares for her father and her kingdom... But now she can't help but share this kindness to her foe?

She puzzled. Roselea needed to figure out why she changed so much. She was committing a crime against her kingdom. Her father would be very mad at her.

Roselea thought and thought. How was she to get rid of Sarah and the babe?

She had to get rid of them some way and some how before her father became too attached...

She had noticed her father was taking a liking to Toby as well as Sarah. He kept checking up on the girl... what did this mean? Roselea kept puzzling to herself and pacing back and forth.

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