Chapter 14: The Right Words

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Sarah found herself face to face with Jareth. His normal suit was now one of owl feathers. He very much looked like he took inspiration from a barn owl.

His eyes were tired. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. His complection was pale. Jareth seemed to have only one more trick left.

"Give me the child." Sarah told Jareth. She looked very determined this time. She wasn't afraid.

"Look what I'm offering you, Sarah. Your dreams. I can give you everything you have ever wanted. I would be at your beck and call."

"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered-"

"Stop! Remember I can give your dreams!" He showed her the crystal that could make her dreams come true.

"I have fought my way here, to the castle beyond the Goblin City, to take back the child you have stolen-"

"Sarah! You asked for the child to be taken. I've done everything for you. I've been very generous."

Sarah stops reciting to think about that thought.

"What do you mean generous? You took my brother away, I almost fell into the Bog of Eternal Stench, almost got trapped in junk, and almost was stuck in an oublette!! How is that generous?"

Jareth was taken aback for a moment there. He didn't think Sarah would list pretty much everything that has happened to her.

"For my will is strong is yours, and my kingdom is as great..." then Sarah tried to find the rest of her words.

"Sarah..." Jareth pleads. "Fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave."

Sarah ignores him, trying to remember those words she always forget in the book. Then the words popped into her head as if they were hiding from her originally.

"You have no power over me!"

As Sarah said those words the clock rang out and Jareth threw up his crystal. His face filled with defeat and heartbreak.

He had lost...


Jareth made sure to return both Sarah and Toby to their house. Sarah didn't notice how he did it but he did it while he was in his owl form. He then left Sarah's room and sat on a branch, watching her through her window.

Sarah was so glad to be home. The first thing she did was find Toby in her parent's room.

Toby was fast asleep with Lancelot the Bear.

"I'm so glad to have you home. And you can keep Lancelot. He can protect you from any bad dreams."

She tucks him in and shuts the door of the room. Just as she closes the door her dad and stepmom come back from their night out.

"Sarah! We're home!" Her dad announced and Sarah came down to see her dad. She gave her dad a hug.

"Did everything go okay?" Her dad asked, surprised she is giving him a hug.

"We were alright. Toby is asleep upstairs. I'm going to go to bed myself." Sarah said as she lets her father go.

"Good night Sarah" was what both of her parents say as she went back upstairs into her room.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and she saw Roselea instead of her own reflection.

"Roselea! What are you doing here?!"

"Shhhh!! My father might be around. I cannot have him know about our... truce." Roselea said as she smiled at Sarah.

"I wanted to make sure you made it out of the Labyrinth okay." Roselea said and some of Sarah's friends from the Labyrinth behind Roselea.

"Are you talking to Sarah?!" Hoggle said and she tried to shush them.

"My father could be around! I'm trying to talk to Sarah in secret." Roselea said, but then she figured her friends wanted to see her and allowed them to speak with her.

"But what if she needs us?" Hoggle said and the others said the same thing around Roselea.

She then looked at Sarah and the rest looked at Sarah too.

"I need to you all once in awhile. I don't know when I will need you but I will need you." Sarah smiled with tears in her eyes.

"You need us?" They all said in unison and Sarah nods.

"Well... have fun folks!" Roselea says as she makes Sarah's friends appear. Sarah was so happy when her friends appeared in her room.

"Are you coming too?"

"I cannot. I have to wait for my father's return here in the Labyrinth. Your friends just need to gather near your mirror and I will bring them back home." Roselea smiled as she placed her hand on the mirror. Sarah does the same and smiles.

"I will see you again, right?"

Roselea laughs. "Of course you will, Sarah." Then Roselea's image fades away and Sarah's reflection returns.

"I can't wait to see you again, Roselea." Sarah said before she left her mirror to celebrate with her friends.


Jareth leaves the tree branch when Sarah celebrates with her friends. He flies towards the moon and once he gets a certain distance, he magically transports back to the Labyrinth.

Jareth flies into his throne room where Roselea is on her throne, watching the goblins pick up the messes that were left behind.

"The Goblin house builders need to help get the city back into shape." Roselea said and they nodded.

"Yes, your majesty. We will get them to build the city back right away."

"And make sure to clear up those bolders. They are blocking the city streets. If you cannot get them, I will ask Ludo to clear up his bolder mess." The guards nodded and left Roselea's presence.

Jareth then transformed and walked to Roselea. She stood up and looked up at her father. He gave her a hug. Roselea hugged her father.

"I'm sorry... for what I've done..." Jareth said as he held onto Roselea.

"It's okay. They are gone now. Now it is just us."

"I loved her, my little rose. I actually loved the runner." Roselea nodded and tried to comfort her father.

"It's okay. Fate will bring people that are ment to be together, back together. If she is the one, she will be back." Jareth cried into Roselea's shoulder. Roselea rubbed Jareth's back, trying to comfort him.

"It will all be okay... I'm here for you." Roselea said, trying her hardest to keep it all together for her father. He needed a rock and she was going to have to be his.

"Father. Why don't you sit on your throne and I'll make you some tea to cheer you up." Jareth lifted his head from her shoulder and did what Roselea said.

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