៚𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 18࿐

978 58 23

Y/n's POV

My head went dizzy with all of what Ying stated. I went ahead and placed all of these responsibilities over my shoulder, I guess I'm finally facing the consequences of my actions. I shouldn't have toyed with history, I should've just moved on and continued my life. But no! I just had to choose the hard way!

"Ugh, me and my idiocy" throwing my face into my hands with an exhausted low groan. Presently, I'm attending math lessons, which is difficult if you have teacher Papa Zola as your mentor. "Alright, my students of truth! We shall talk about parallel lines!" My interest was caught by the mention of parallel lines.

Now that he mentions it, this lecture might be useful for future purposes. "Now! Who can tell me what are parallel lines?" A girl raised her hand and answered "two lines in the same plane that are at equal distance from each other and never meet." Papa Zola clapped and gave her a good job gesture.

A parallel world huh? "It's the same line but never meet, the same scenario, but doesn't meet the decisions that were made by the same person" I felt a headache coming, still I kept my composure and focused on the lesson.

A world that has a different ending...

... And it's up to me if I achieve the ending I wanted in the first place

Author's POV

The class went on without a disturbance, well not for Y/n of course. Her thoughts were fogged with questions, questions that only she can answer. After classes had finally come, the bell rang signaling the students that another school day was finished.

Y/n packed her things and went along with her friends. "Hey bestie, you seem unwell today" Gopal went ahead to check on Y/n. She waved it off and insisted she was fine. "Doesn't look like you're fine if you're still bothered with what we discussed you should go straight back home" Gopal advised, Yaya suddenly popped up behind her with a concerned grin.

"Oh, um about our deal yesterday. It's okay if you won't be able to help me with baking" She said, Y/n smiled and still insisted that she'll help. "I'm fine. I'll help you so don't worry about it" Yaya blinked twice, expression doubling the concern. "Are you sure?" She asked, still troubled that Y/n might be in a bad shape.

"We'll just go along to help you two! At the same time, we can look over Y/n's state" Ying suggested. Fang nodded and of course, Boboiboy agreed, "even if this kills us" Gopal mumbled under his breath.

"What was that Gopal?" Yaya glanced at him, with that soft expression of hers. Gopal almost jolted out of his place, he was almost caught bad-mouthing Yaya's biscuits. "Oh nothing" he laughed it off. "Alright, gang! To Yaya's house!" Y/n cheered, while behind them were the others beside Yaya, who were praying for their lives.


At Yaya's place

"Okay, guys! We just need to follow my recipe and we'll be just fine" Yaya explained, Boboiboy blinked twice with an anxious gulp. "Y-your recipe?!" He stammered out, Yaya beamed and nodded "of course! Why? Don't you like my biscuit recipe?" The gang shook their head in sync, saying "n-no not at all" (why you always lyin~)

"After this, we'll deliver and sell some to the people in Pulau rintis" she exclaimed. "T-that might be a bad idea" Fang muttered, unfortunately, Yaya heard him. "What do you mean bad 'idea' Fang?" Her expression churned into a menacing one, eyes throwing deadly glares at him.

𝓡𝓮𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓱𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 (𝓑𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓫𝓸𝔂 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻)Where stories live. Discover now