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After the meeting ended, I was able to go to the butterfly mansion and get some help with my pounding concussion

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After the meeting ended, I was able to go to the butterfly mansion and get some help with my pounding concussion.

I spent a little bit of time in there, but for the most part, I avoided everyone except Shinobu, since I would likely throw up if I spoke too much.

"Take it easy for a couple of days, (Y/n)..." Kocho said, as I walked out of her office.

"I appreciate it." I told her, as I walked out.

On my way back to my home, I ran into Giyuu. Once again, the throbbing pain that radiated in my skull hindered me from much small talk, but it was rare that Giyuu ever had something to say, so I listened.

"You think I did the right thing?" He asked, without any context. I knew what he was talking about.

I smiled. "Sure you did."

He looked down. I knew my reassurance meant something to him.

"I think we'd both selfishly wish for our sibling to be here as a demon, rather than dead. That's why you did it, right?" I asked, seeing right past him. He could be as stoic as he wanted to be, but he could never fool me.

"I guess so. Thanks." He said, as he walked off.

Poor guy...

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Days passed as my concussion began to get better. I had heard that the young boy, his demon sister and the other two he brought along with him went on a mission with Rengoku. I wanted to say bye to the fiery Hashira, but he left before I was able to.

I was out on medical leave, until Shinobu gave the okay for me to go on missions again.

"Should only be a week or two!" Her voice played in my head.

That's when I heard a knock at my door. When I went to go open it, I saw Mitsuri standing on the other side.

"Did you forget what day it is?" She asked, half joking.

"Oh my goodness, you're right! Hot spring day!" I said excitedly. Once a month, the Kakushi would take us to the swordsmith village to bathe in the hot springs that were so nice and calming.

"What are you waiting for! Let's go!" She said excited. I followed right behind her, happy to get away from my home and have some girl time. Mitsuri and I were always busy, so this was our way to bond at least every once in a while.

Eventually, we made it to the spring, and we didn't hesitate to get in quick.

"So, I heard you went on a mission with Shinazugawa! How'd it go?" She asked enthusiastically.

"Not as bad as I thought. I guess we can work together if we have to." I told her.

That's when all my memories of things I didn't want to divulge came to the top of my brain. The dream. My grandmother's words. But if anyone could help, it was Kanroji.

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