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Next time I opened my eyes, I was laying in a bed in a room all by myself

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Next time I opened my eyes, I was laying in a bed in a room all by myself. It was obvious I was in the butterfly mansion. Visions of my last mission flashed in my head as all my memories flooded back. I felt fatigued and exhausted, but all I wanted to do was check and make sure Giyuu had made it.

My ankle was wrapped up in a cast, as I felt for my  forehead that was covered in a bandage. Shinobu sure knew how to take care of us.

I quickly got out of the bed, and stumbled to the door, trying to not put much pressure on my broken foot. But just as I reached for the handle, Shinobu herself was on the other side of it.

"Oh my! What are you doing out of bed??" She asked, concerned, but still smiling.

"I wanted to go check on Tomioka..."

"I can assure you he is just fine. He woke up yesterday!"


"How long have I been asleep?" I asked, not considering that I could've been out for a couple of days.

"About three days!" She responded, grabbing onto my shoulders and guiding me back to my bed. "I'll let Tomioka know you asked about him, but you both need to keep resting."

I simply nodded. I really didn't want to be alone during this, but I figured I had no choice.

I thought about Shinazugawa and wondered if he knew I had been injured.

Shinobu propped my hurt leg up onto some pillows and set some medicine down next to me.

"Take this and get some more sleep!"

I smiled and thanked her, as she made her way out of my room.

"Oh, and by the way..." She began to say as she opened the door. " Shinazugawa came by asking about you, so expect him sometime soon."

Instantly my heart skipped a beat. He really cares about me enough to come by and check. I felt my face get hot at the thought of him, and hoped for his arrival.

A couple of hours later, that's when my door swung open. The white hair Hashira walked in, as I sat myself up in my bed.

"Sanemi!" I said, excited to see him. But he didn't look excited to see me.

In fact, he looked angry.

Quickly my face changed.

"Sanemi?" I said, in a sadder tone. "W-what's wrong?"

"You are such a fucking wreck..." He said through his teeth.

"What...?" I said as my voice cracked. He had just gotten here, and I already wanted him to leave.

"How could you let a demon do this to you!?" He spouted. "I thought you were a good Hashira, but I guess I was wrong. I could say the same about that idiot Tomioka."

His words were so brash. They dug into my hearts like daggers, tearing it into pieces.

What did I do to make Sanemi act this way? A demon didn't do this to me? Did no one tell him what actually happened?

"Sanemi I-" I began, wanting to explain myself, but he interrupted me.

"Oh save it. If you can't kill a shitty demon, than I don't want anything to do with you..."

My eyes welled up with tears. I was so heart broken. He tore me down in a matter of seconds with only a couple of words.

I expected him to be grateful that I was okay, or happy to see me, so to say I was shocked was an understatement.

"Leave her alone." Said a calm voice to my right. I looked over to see Giyuu with his arm in a sling.

Sanemi looked over at him, with a disgusted look on his face.

"Your little boyfriend came to save you, huh?" He said, mocking me. I didn't understand why he was being so mean. I knew Sanemi could be a jerk, but this was something else.

"Sanemi stop..." I said, looking down as my voice cracked. Those were the only words I could really get out. I had no care to defend myself. He had shattered me.

"She didn't get hurt by the demon, Shinazugawa. She got hurt saving me. If (y/n) hadn't been there, I would've died. She's the reason I'm alive."

Sanemi just rolled his eyes and focused his gaze on me again. But I couldn't look at him anymore. Tears ran down my face, staining the bed sheet that covered me.

I forgot about all the nice things I felt for the Wind Pillar in that moment. But every nasty memory of his crass nature came back to me. Those never really went away.

I hated him all over again. I was so stupid to think I could actually change him.

"I think you should leave." Giyuu said. I hadn't realized he was standing next to my bed, until he placed a hand on my shoulder, as if to comfort me.

Sanemi was stubborn though. It was like he didn't want to leave. I looked at him through my tearful eyes, wishing he'd storm out like the way I knew he would.

It was obvious he was fighting an internal battle. I knew Sanemi. I knew exactly what this was. But I didn't care. He hurt me, and I hated him for it.

He was jealous of Tomioka too, even though he knows Giyuu is like a sibling to me.

Eventually, when I didn't beg for him to change his mind about me, he scoffed and stormed out.

That's when my whimpers turned to sobs. My head fell into my hands as I uncontrollably cried. I was mad at myself for thinking he would be any different. I should've known that things would end like this.

Giyuu sat the edge of my bed, and wrapped his good arm fully around me. I leaned into his shoulder and just cried. I was miserable, angry and disappointed in myself. I needed help from the Kakushi to save Giyuu, and what little bit of love I had for Sanemi was gone.

I was right back where I started. There was no room for a happy ending in this life. This just helped me finally accept it.

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