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As I made my way calmly to the demons whereabouts, images of Sanemi filled my head

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As I made my way calmly to the demons whereabouts, images of Sanemi filled my head. My stomach twisted into knots at the thought of him.

I was so attracted to him that I was almost too distracted to do my job.  But eventually, I was able to clear my mind well enough to dispel the two demons ransacking a nearby town.

I considered making my way back to HQ so that maybe I could spend some more time with Sanemi, but it was a little passed midnight, since hours had elapsed since I had left his Estate. My heart began to do the walking for me, pulling me in the direction of our safe haven.

But my brain told me to stop.

I couldn't continue to lose control like I had been.  I was putty in his hands, a complete 180 from how I felt months ago, and it was becoming plainly obvious. I was losing sleep and becoming inattentive. I had to take control of my emotions, before they took control of me.

So I turned around, and headed deeper north to patrol another surrounding village. I needed to remember my role in this life, not play into the hands of this devil I called love.

Once the sun rose, I finally made my way back to headquarters. Even though I had forced myself to get a grip, I still walked by Sanemi's house to see what he may be up to, but he wasn't outside.

Go knock... My intrusive thoughts said, enticing me.

"No." I whispered to myself, my hands forming into fists as I resisted the urge. 

I made my way into the garden, seeing Tengen in the distance. I was tired, part of me just wanted to go home and sleep, but I saw him making his way over to me, so I stuck around.

"How are you doing, (Y/L/N)?" He hadn't seen me since right after Rengoku died. I appreciated his concern for me.

"I'm doing much better, Tengen. Thank you!" I said, giving him a cheeky smile.

"Come with me! He yelled, putting one of his giant arms around me. "I'll make us a flashy pot of tea! Let's catch up!"

He pushed me forward towards his Estate and I simply followed, since I knew he wouldn't take lackluster no for an answer.

Once we made it there, I sat down in the kitchen of the familiar home, that was decorated to suit Tengen and his personality.

He handed me a cup of tea, sweetened exactly how I liked it. Even though he was kind of a brute, he was always very caring and considerate of me. 

Dark Winds | Sanemi Shinazugawa x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now