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Sanemi and I had actually gotten into the habit of meeting up at the small restaurant that he and I made amends at regularly

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Sanemi and I had actually gotten into the habit of meeting up at the small restaurant that he and I made amends at regularly. Slowly, he and I got closer, as I felt the last little bit of hatred I had for him dissipating out of me.

Lots of times, he made me laugh. It was something I didn't get to do much, since majority of my time was spent killing demons.

He always paid for my meals too. I knew it meant nothing other than the fact that he was just being courteous, but I couldn't help my feeble heart from thinking it could possible mean more.

I didn't know how to talk to him about it, but I did feel myself falling more and more for him every time we met up.

So, who better to ask then the love expert of the Hashira.

"Mitsuri!" I said, running up to her when I saw her in the garden.

"(Y/n)!" She yelled, happy to see me too.  It had gotten to the point where I saw Shinazugawa more than I saw her.

Her and I caught up for a little while, since it was just around noon, and her and I had time to waste during the bright and sunny day we were having.

"So, Sanemi and I are doing good, actually." I finally told her.

She gasped. "Oh my!! That's so good! So did you get the butterflies?!" She asked as I began to giggle. She knew my answer without me having to tell her. Mitsuri and I fangirled for a moment as I let out all my gushy, lovey energy out, since I didn't have anyone else to do that with.

"Well, do you think he likes you?" She asked, which made me nervous. I didn't like to think about possibly being rejected, and I couldn't lie to myself that it wasn't plainly obvious that he did have true feelings for me.

"I don't know...I want to start flirting with him so that he gets a hint..." I said trailing off. Those words felt strange coming out of my mouth.

"Well then flirt with him!" Misturi said, encouraging me.

"Ugh, how?"

She told me about some things I could do and more. She told me to brush my hand up against his every once in a while, or I could genuinely compliment him on how he looks that day. Mitsuri also told me I should draw attention to my lips, to draw his attention.

It all sounded super cringey, but it's not like I knew how to flirt any other way, so I figured I'd at least give it a shot.

  ҉    ҉  

Eventually, I found myself in the same booth Sanemi and I always sat at, waiting for him to meet me for dinner. I had ordered some sake, which I regretted since I already felt a buz, but I needed that encouragement, even if it was from alcohol. My heart raced a million miles per second at the thought of feeling the brush of his hand, or the idea of seeing his eyes hover over my lips. My nervousness intensified at the view of seeing the door of the restaurant swing open, with the tall Wind Hashira walking through it.

He sat down. I could tell he was obviously tired.

"Long night last night?" I asked as he simply nodded.

He sat directly in front of me, with his left arm resting on the top ledge of the booth, his right hand on his thigh and his abs staring daggers into my chest. I gulped as the look of him slightly tired and disheveled turned me on.

I giggled at my crazy thoughts as words slipped out of my mouth.

"You're kinda hot when you're tired..."

I wanted to cut my tongue out of my mouth, but thanks to the sake, those words had been spoken.

"Ha, is that what you think?" He said with a cunning smile. His sleepy eyes lustfully looked into mine as I felt my face blush.

"Yeah, but it's the sake talking, don't get a big head..." I said, attempting to keep my pride.

"I think you look good all the time." He said, still smiling at me. My cheeks flushed redder than before at his compliment.

He thinks I look...good?

"But it's the drowsiness talking, so don't get a big head." He said, mocking me.

I laughed to keep from going crazy, since I didn't even know what I had gotten myself into. I tried to remember what Misturi told me to do, but a lot of the tips she had told me had fled my mind thanks to the embarrassment I felt.

I let my head rest in my hand as I softly bit my lip as I smiled.

"Well, thanks I guess." I said, at a loss for words.

I noticed his eyes glance down at my mouth for a split second, once again getting me riled up.

Could he actually want to kiss me??

Our food arrived at our table, snapping me out of my desirous thoughts, but along with that went my appetite. I would glance up at Sanemi every once in a while, but he was pretty focused on his food.

Should I confess my feelings to him?

Ugh no, no, NOOO! Am I crazy?

My thoughts clouded my hunger as I stared at my plate, my appetite completely ruined by the nerves I felt.

"You okay?" Sanemi said, watching me daydream into my food. "It's not like you to not eat..."

Quickly I picked up my chopsticks and began to mindlessly eat so as to not draw any more attention from him.

"I'm great!" I said, lying through my teeth. Deep down inside, I was a tousled mess of anxious thoughts that ate away at my sanity.

I had flipped completely on my view of the tall, muscular Hashira before me. I used to hate how he flaunted his abs and how he stood out everywhere he went. But now, his confidence sucked me in. I could get caught drooling over him if I wasn't careful.

And I didn't know what to do with any of it. I couldn't stop reminding myself that there was no time for love, even if he did have mutual feelings for me.

I was stuck, sitting opposite from him, stuffing my face with noodles I didn't even want to eat as my over imaginative mind created scenarios of him and I in ways that I knew would never be true.

I was breaking my own heart for letting myself fall so hard...

I was breaking my own heart for letting myself fall so hard

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Dark Winds | Sanemi Shinazugawa x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now