'Welcome back'

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Camilo POV

"Y/N L/N" escaped the boy mouth as he dusted the dirt off him, He then stares at me with his eyes, One that you can easily get lost in, You can even forget that he stole somethin-  WAIT A MINUTE.

" Hey! Give me back what's ours! " I silently scolded the boy, not daring to let Dolores hear even though she was probably listening to this conversation.

"Oh um, What's yours??" The H/N boy chuckled a bit to cover for himself, I stared at him with a serious face. The boy eventually gave in, "Okay okay, I stole a bit of the Arepas, That its I promise" he sighed but I didn't bought it, "What else?" I whispered with a hint of anger, I'm not gonna fool around with this guy, I could hear the boy sigh again before he answered "I promise you, that's all I stole, there's not much to steal anyway" Y/N replied along with a chuckle, Are you serious!? Is he insulting the casita!? I stared at him with even more anger as I let my crossed arm fall beside me, clenching my wrist into a ball, First he stole something from me and now he's insu- wait, Didn't he...transformed into a cheetah back then? "Can you explain what happened back there?" I soften my eyes on him so he knows I'm not really mad unless he insults us again

"The chase??" The boy asked clueless, "No when you made a run for it and when we having the chase" I explained, "Oh" Y/N stared at me for a bit before he answers " I don't know either, I was born with this gift and had it since I was little" Y/N shrugged a bit, He has a gift? I thought the Madrigals was the only one though.. " You know you can use it for go-" my offer got cut off by a annoyed groan "Ya bye" as he suddenly walked away, "WHAT WAIT, WAIT UP!" I chased after him but not a full on chase, I followed behind like a little duckling as the boy puts his hand behind his back, After half an hour he stopped, " Can you go away now please?? I'm about to go to my secret base and I don't want you knowing where it is just in case you might visit me" he exclaimed as he tried to shoo me away but I wouldn't budge, If I want my answer, imma get my answer " No, If you won't tell me why your not using it for good then I won't move"  The boy I stared at me before groaning "No! I cant have you living on my back man get out!" He pointed to the opposite direction, "No" "LEAVEE FOR FUCK SAKES"  He yelled in frustration, I widen my eyes realising what he said " Language man! Has your mother never taught you manners??" I scolded him for what he said, He eyes had a hint of sadness until he answered.

"Oh please, It's not harming anyone so it's fineee" he looked to the other side then slowly towards me, "But it is hurting anyone! You could hurt their feelings!" I explained " Boy I don't give a shit about their feelings plus, Did u get offended?" He said with a confident tone, "n-no but-" I stuttered until he cut me off, How many times is am I gonna get cut off? " See? You'll only get offended if you took it seriously" with a slight giggle, i smiled, It was cute and I'm not afraid to admit.

But when I opened my eyes he was gone, I scanned the whole area looking for the boy, He.. he was gone.. Atleast I got his name🤷‍♀️


'Jeez that was annoying' I walked off leaving the boy behind, I was already half way there until I remembered, The boy probably never been through the forest, So I left him there with no directions.

Goodluck for him ig🤷‍♀️ I arrived to my tree house, I slowly climbed up the ladder and settle my bag down, I searched through it for a bottle of grape juice and an arepa I recently stolen, I climbed down with the items in my mouth and walked over the the cliff outside of my house, I said down resting on the grass, I took out my items and slowly ate them. 'It's been 11 years since I seen my house, My parents, my family, my casita.. I don't know why they left me.. i was considered a freak for having these powers.. Well I bet they regret it now because I turned out amazing' I added a little humour to wash away the depressing experience.

I ate the arepa and drank all of my grape juice so I was pretty much just chilling there, I stared off into the distance as I noticed the sun rising up from its sleep, I stayed up the whole night just by sitting there. 

Still felt a little bad about leaving the boy there but he's not my problem anymore.

3rd person POV

It's been a couple of week since Y/N stole from the Madrigals, None of them have a clue of what recently happened, But Camilo couldn't  stop think about the boy, 'Where's his family? Why was he stealing? Is he poor?? Oh! Is he doing this for his family? Aw so cute'  Camilo chuckled to himself while Dolores weirdly stared at him with confusion, A couple of more days started to pass as he was slowly forgetting about what happened that night.

But that was interrupted by Y/N suddenly coming back,

Camilo POV 

I woke up to a strange sound in my room, who was in here? I signalled Casita to switch the lights on. 

The room was suddenly bright as I shut my eyes for protection, I adjusted my eyes, get used to the brightness, I slowly opened my eyes to see the same boy that one night, Y/N wasn't it? What is he doing in my room?? I was too tired to get up and punch him for trying to steal my stuff, so I figured to greet him "Welcome back"


Also sorry if this was short lmao AND I'm sorry for haven't been updating much, I updated now because seeing people reading my story was quite motivating for me lol

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