'That little brat!'

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Camilo POV
Y/N!? I haven't seen him in a couple of days! Wait.. this could be my chance to question him!
I run up towards the little girl and bend down to her level.
"Well hello there, I couldn't help but over hear you. Do you happen to know where that boy you mentioned went?" I give her the most GLISTENING EYES I could do! She turns to me with a suspicious look, "And why would you want to know that? Mister Madrigal" She gives me a glare after stating her question, I start to sweat a bit, Quick I need an excuse! I hurriedly think of any ideas and without hesitation I sprout out the most stupidest thing ever, "He's my boyfriend! Wait" I stop think and I froze. Boyfriend!? "Wait no! That's not what I meant-" before I could explain myself. I heard her gasps, "Your mister Y/N boyfriend?! You have a great taste sir! He went towards that path down there!" She smiles widely before running off but before she could run off any where further she stops, Turns and smiles widely again, "I
support you mister!" She..supports me? That's..quite an oddly nice thing to hear.. I smile then turns to head down the path that Y/N stepped on.

'I've been walking down this dumb ass path for over an HOUR, WHERE IS MY HOUSE??'
I groan once again, Yes I've been walking on this stupid path for a long time and now I'm beginning to question my knowledge, "I swear to mf god if I'm lost-" I swears to myself while kicking a small pebble on the road, Nothing had happened and i'm slowly dying, Is this what poor people feels like? before i continued my annoyed thoughts a voice called out for me behind, 'omfg is the grim reaper finally here to take me awa-" 

It's him. shape shifter boy, wait how did he find me?

"Y/N! wait up! ..please i'm loosing my breath.." Camilo bends down to rest his hands on his knees. "what do you want? we only met twice we're not friends" Camilo smirks before lifting his head. " exactly, i think we should be more than friends after that night!" 

all of a sudden i felt heat rise up on my cheeks, I transformed into a cheetah before running off into the distance. i can hear him call out to me and whining about how he doesn't wanna run anymore. though i slow down a bit, what does he want? He better not be here just to flirt i swear to god! Camilo finally catch up with me. He places a hand on me before once again bending to catch his breath. i try to shrug off his hand but it was firmly placed. " i'm not letting go.. i'm not running after you again.." he says with a bit of gasps between, "what do you want Camilo?" i questions him while turn my head to see him smiling a bit. "well i've been meaning to ask, how did you get your gift? is it like my familia tradition?" my eyes widens a bit, all of the memories now burning back to me. every single one with my familia.. No..No! please no! it took me years to forget them! don't make me remember them again! i snap out of my thoughts due to a waving and clicking hands infront of my beautiful face, " is it personal? i'm sorry for asking if it is!" he backs away but before he could get any further, i grab his hands. "no.. its okay.. sit down i can tell you." i slowly sits with the boy following my movements, "it all started on a fateful night, like your abuela. My abuelo receives a glowing flower, within its beautiful petals was our gifts, we all would receive a gift on our 10th birthday, we would stand in the center of our casita with people and the starry sky staring at us, our abuelo would hand us the glowing flower then stands with his familia. When we gotten our gifts, the casita would expand itself to add another room." we all loved those days...till my 10th birthday came along.." I pauses for a second before proceeding. "on my day people was gathering outside of the center of my casita. i stood in the middle with the flower in my hands. i closed my eyes and waited for the magic to happen..but i heard screams..i opened my eyes to see people running in fear as my casita falls apart..i couldn't move.. i stood there watching all my friends die along with my family..and right when the house was finished collapsing the flower decides to give me my gift at that horrible moment! i could've saved my familia if the flower would've just given me my gift right there on the spot! i was even old enough to know what to do! but i did nothing! i was too...scared.." 

Camilo eyes widens at my story. he was expecting something more friendly wasn't he? "i'm so sorry that happened..what happened to the flower? did it fade away..?" Camilo questions giving me concerned eyes. i reach out for my bag pulling out the flower. it was gorgeous but looked a bit dusty lol. Camilo widens his eyes at the sight, the flower was decorated with lovely patterns along with gold petals. "the flower..it's beautiful.." he compliments the dusty flower in my palms. "heh thank you..wait how did you find me??" i turn my head towards his direction, 

He chuckles lightly.. " a little girl with candys told me" my trust broke..

'That little brat!'

yea sorry for not updating in SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long lol, ik this is a shit apology but take this aslo shit chaptor as an apology

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