Welcome home

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Y/ns POV

So, it turns out Scarlett Johanson is my real mother. Ovcourse I'm excited about it, it's just that I've basicly also just been told that the family I've grown up to know, isn't my real family. I didn't feel close to them that much but it still hurts. They've lied to me my whole life, after kidnapping my from my real parent who really loved and cared for me. They've treated me so differently I know, but they had there time where they shown they cared. I guess it's just annoying to think that they've stole the life I was suppose to live, giving me a bad reality in replace.

It's going to take alot of getting used to this new life style, but I'm all for it. I mean, I get to spend the rest of my life with Scarlett, I get to meet the marvel cast more, I get to meet her chil-. I get to meet Rose, my new sister. Does she even know about me. Will she like me. I hope she does. Will collin like me. Will I fit in.

Right now we're sitting on the plane in first class, on our way to LA from London. There are loads of empty seat here, I had an opportunity to sit where ever I want to but decided to sit by Scarlett. I don't feel comfortable leaving her yet. Also it's my first plane ride, so I'm kinda scared, but everything is going smooth so far. Scarlett is watching a movie and sipping wine, I'm laying my head on her shoulder going in and out of thought.

I havnt called Scarlett 'mom' yet, I want to but I can't help but think of the kidnappers when I say that. Also I don't know if Scarlett wants me to call her that, we only met 5 days ago, I mean sure I'm her daughter, and sure she treats me with respect and has cared for me for the past week-.

My thoughts we interrupted by a kissed on the head, I lifted my head to be met with the eyes of Scarlett.

"You doing okay so far?" She asked.

"Yes, I think I'm managing, I mean height isn't my biggest fear so I'm okay" I smiled at her which she returned and I lay my head back down on her shoulder. I felt her hand as it cupped my face and her cheek rested on my head. She's so warm, I could just fall asleep. And it's what I did.


"Y/n, honey, sweetie, y/n/n" I woke up to those words on repeat from Scarlett as she stroked my face waking me up.

I groaned to alert her that I'm awake, before stretching out my limp limb, waking them up.

"The planes landing now, collin is at airport waiting for us, he can't wait to meet you" Scar whispered to me before placing another gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I cant- ...wait either" I replied being cut of by a yawn mid sentence. I sat up and looked out the window.

"Woah" slipped out as I watched the view just before the plane started to lower. I mean it's my first time experiencing this, what did you expect me to think.

I turn back to Scarlett and lay my head on her shoulder again. She just smiled in response, placing her chin on my head as she looked out the window.

I felt the plane rumble letting us know it has finally reached the ground. I let out another yawn before standing up with Scarlett.

"You ready to come home" she asked me with excitement in her tone.

"Yes" I yelled in excitement "even if I wasn't I don't think I'd really have a choice now" I playfully said and earned a giggle in response.

Scarlett gripped my hand as we got off the plane and walked further into the airport until she spotted him.

He ran up to us and scooped Scarlet up in a hug and I just stood there looking around at this new place, giving them their moment.

"This is y/n" Scarlet said as she turned back to me. I smiled in response but then he gave me a hug also.

"Hello, I'm collin, your mom's husband" he said.

"Hi, collin" I replied and smiled. Scarlett took my hand again as we started to walk. This place is massive, I love the vibe it gives, that feeling you get as you go on holiday. I felt my hand being squeezed by scarlett as she guided me to the luggage area. We collected our bags and we were soon surrounded by security as people started to notice Scar.

Before I knew it there were loads of camera flashes letting us know that the paparazzi was here. I looked down to hide my face, it's not that I'm camera shy, I'm just not very photogenic. Scarlett pulled me closer to her, so our sides are touching, and let go of my hand, quickly wrapping her arm around my shoulder keeping me close as we walked through this big building. She placed her other hand over my ear, as I leaned my head towards her chest, to keep people from seeing my face. She's so protective over me already.

We made to Collins car and I climbed in with Scarlett beside me. I still had my head hanging low laying on her shoulder.

"What's wrong hun" she asked with a sence of empathy.

My head shot up "Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how protective over me you were just then" I smiled.

"Ov course baby, we discussed it and I'm keeping you private" she said as she wrapped her arm around me again and I sank into her embrace. Collin climbed into the driver seat after putting our luggage in the boot of the car.

He looked back and gave us both a smile which we returned, Scars being more confident than mine, before turning round and started to drive to the house.

"Where's rose" I asked after realising someone is missing.

"Oh she's still at her dad's, we figured we'd get you set up first before introducing you to everyone" Scar replied as she stroked my hair.

"Fair enough" is all I could think to say as I turned to watch the scenery through the window.

We pulled into the drive way and my mouth fell open as I saw the house.

(For privacy reasons I didn't use their real house, I found this on google)

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(For privacy reasons I didn't use their real house, I found this on google)

"Woooooah" is all I could manage to get out as I examined the well decorated exterior. "You got a big house" I mumbled to myself, and i heard scarlet laugh at my expression.

"Welcome home baby"

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