CH.4 - The Plan

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After whole week the doors had not closed once. We we're starting to get quite panicked. They were destroying everything we had built and killing so many. We have to do something before they kill us all. I run into the woods and climb up my tree.

"Newt." I say.

"Yes love?" He says in my mind.

"We have to leave."

"What do you mean?"

"We have to leave the glade. We can't stay any longer. The grievers are just going to keep coming back until they kill us all." There is a pause as he thinks.

"You're right. I'll tell Tommy."

"Newt." I say. "Be careful."

"I will. And don't you ever stop talking to me. I have to know you are safe. I don't know what I would do of something happened to you." I feel myself blush.

"Just be careful."

"Of course."

"Well, I'm gonna go tell Harriet, and we'll hopefully be on our way by tonight. I'll talk to you when we start off."

"Okay love. I'll be waiting." And with that I set off to tell Harriet.

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