Chapter 4-Lunch With Matt

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~a few days later~

*Nini POV*

Gina has been acting really suspicious, and I don't know why. As for Ricky, I've gotten used to him dating someone and posting about her literally all the time. It is so annoying. It got to the point where I had to unfollow him.

Anyway, I've been trying to thrive here in college. Writing songs, hanging out with friends, and getting A's. It's been great. Honestly, only one thing would make it better. Ricky. HEY! WAIT BRAIN. I CAN'T THINK THAT. I KNOW THAT'S NOT TRUE...but my brain thinks otherwise. I decided to text him...I know, my brain is crazy.

I pulled up Ricky's contact and stared at it, before starting to type.

I pulled up Ricky's contact and stared at it, before starting to type

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And before I sent it, I deleted the text. The last time we texted was 3 years ago now when we were trying to be friends. Almost right after our breakup.

That's when my best friend, Matt, texted me.

That's when my best friend, Matt, texted me

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Yes, I know nini. If you haven't noticed, I like Nini. Like a lot, but I don't want to mess up our relationship. We're best friends, but I don't even know if she feels the same way...

*Nini POV*

Yes! Lunch with Matt was exactly what I needed. He always makes me feel better. I watched the clock until it finally hit 1:15, and I drove to Chipotle.

I got there and I was about 5 minutes early, and in a few minutes, Matt arrived.

"Hey neeners!" He said as he sat down.

"Hey, Matt!! How are you?"

"I'm good, hungry though. What do you want? I'll order for you?"

"Sure," I smiled. "I'll take a bowl, you know, the regular." We have lunch together as much as possible, so he knows what I want. He always asks just to make sure. It's one of the things I love about him. As in, friend love.

*Matt's POV*

I walked back to my best friend, her waiting patiently for the food. I smiled as I approached her and said, "it happened again." I laughed.

"Oh my gosh, that's so funny. It literally happens all the time."

Yes, we've got inside jokes. It's funny because this always happens when we go out. People say stuff like, "Aw, you two are so cute together" or "you guys aren't dating??"

The cashier gave me our orders and said, "better hurry up, your girlfriend is waiting!"

I can't help but smile at these interactions. If only. We never correct them, just laugh, although I was always secretly wishing for it to happen. I dream of a time when I work up the nerve to tell her I like her, I already have a lot of dates planned out.

Is that weird?

I hand Nini her food, as I slide in the seat opposite to her, "So Neen, I can tell something's up. What's wrong?"

"Oh, I don't know. It's just..." She shrugged.

"You can tell me."

"Well, it's my ex-boyfriend, Ricky. We broke up 3 years ago. Apparently, he has a new girlfriend now,'s just..." She laughed nervously. "We don't have to talk about it, actually. I'm just glad to be here with you."

"Take your time telling me. You can tell me anything."

"Okay...well basically he's dating this pretty model-slash-actress lady who we all hated back in high school. She's such a jerk. And I keep thinking about this, and I don't know why." she said, defeated.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. Let's finish lunch back at my apartment, okay?" She nods, as I lead her out of the booth.

*Nini POV*

He grabbed my hand and smiled at me, as I tried to smile back. We went to our cars and drove to his apartment. A familiar place for me.

It felt good to rant about He-Who-Shall-not-Be-Named and Godzilla. I didn't even realize how much I was holding it in. Matt always let me rant about things, and it was great to have someone to talk to.

It's funny to look back at how we first were like...

a/n: Y'all, next chapter it's time–for the flashback‼️‼️

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