Chapter 43 - exposed.

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Nini was standing there outside her hospital room, and I could see the fury in her eyes.

Oh, shoot. What do I do now?

"No, Nini. I didn't-." I stammered. "I didn't mean that-"


What did Ricky mean? 'Memorable enough for her.' I didn't know Matt very well, but Ricky did not have to say that.

I felt my face getting hot. I felt my palms getting sweaty, and I felt my blood bubbling. I am not dating a toxic, idiotic jerk.

I huffed. "What is wrong with you, Ricky? You invade my personal space and now you're being a jerk to other people behind my back? What did Matt ever do to you? I thought you guys were friends??" I took a deep breath to control myself. "You know, you've been acting strange ever since my concussion. And lately, I've just been wondering if we're even right for each other..."

He sighed exasperatedly. "What are you saying, Nini? Don't do something petty like breaking up with me. You know you'll regret it! We've gotten back together before!! Does junior year sound familiar?"

"It sure does. And I think I'm about to repeat it."


"Don't call me that." I said in a firm tone. "It's Nina."

I walked away from the scene, and made my way straight towards the cafeteria.

I need to cool myself down.

I felt a sense of Deja vu after breaking up with him. Like it had happened before. Besides the first time. I don't know, everything has felt off since my concussion, and I'm not exactly sure why.


I wasn't sad or angry. I felt emotionless. Which is weird, because I just broke up with Ricky. A few minutes after the episode, I felt someone tap my shoulder -


"Hey, Nini." He handed me a water bottle. "Here. You broke up with your... boyfriend at the worst place possible."

I took the water bottle, managing a smile. "Thanks, Matt. I'm sorry you had to watch that... and go through with what Ricky said."

He shrugs. "I never really liked the guy, so I just ignore whatever he says to me at this point."

I still genuinely felt extremely bad. Those words gotta hurt, and he just lost a friend.

I bit my lip to think of a way to make it up to him. "Do you want to go for a walk outside?"

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