Chapter 41 - Ricky's friend

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I felt so horrible for Nini. Getting a concussion and losing your memory from it must suck so much. I felt bad for Matt as well, having Nini forget you...that's a little too relatable.

I drove to the hospital with a bag full of donuts to give to Nini. Hopefully this can ease the pain... even just a little bit of it.

I slid open the door to see Nini eating her hospital breakfast. I'll be honest... It looked disgusting. She was watching something on her hospital TV, but seemed disinterested in it.

"Ricky!!" she shouted when she saw me, sticking her arms out for a hug.

"Got you your actual breakfast!" I held out the bag and shook it around.

"Thank goodness, Ricky. This junk is disgusting." She replied, as she took the donuts.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

" head hurts. But, the painkillers wore off so I'm not as loopy as yesterday." She giggled.

I interlock my fingers with hers. "That's a relief."

"I love me." She replied. I froze. We don't have good luck with that word.

I cleared my throat as I took out a donut from the bag and held it out for her to bite.

"Ricky, you don't have to baby me. My hands work." She laughed.


I was exhausted after staying the night with Nini. Not surprisingly, hospital chairs are not the best place to sleep. Ricky left last night at 10:00, and so I stayed with her. She doesn't exactly know who I am, I just checked in on her a few times. Before Nini woke up, I went to the cafeteria and  got her breakfast and set it down on her nightstand. It's hospital breakfast. Looks disgusting, but that's all we have right now. I head back to the cafeteria to get breakfast for myself. I come back to the room to see Ricky feeding Nini a donut. is awkward. Where did he get donuts? I feel my blood boil a little bit, but it's fine. As long as Nini's being treated well, I'm fine.

I walk out to sit in the hallway, awkwardly, until he leaves. Sure, Nini thinks that he is her boyfriend. But he's going a bit too far with the act, right? I feel a pang of sadness, while I eat my squishy eggs.

About 20 minutes later, I finally hear Ricky say goodbye. And THANK GOODNESS for that. Their cringe conversation was going to kill me. Just kidding. But still.

Ricky came out to the hallway and I guess he saw me sitting there on my phone, because he said, "Oh hey dude."

I didn't look up, "Hi Ricky." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Um... how long did you sit out here?" He tilted his head.

"For your information, I've been here all night." I replied, snarkily. Not to sound egotistical, but usually I'm a pretty nice guy. Must be from my lack of sleep.

"Ha, yeah, I can tell. You got some bags under your eyes." He punched my arm.

I laughed bitterly, "You try sleeping in one of these chairs. Absolute torture dude."

He laughed slightly until he paused. "Look, you should go say hi to Nini. I'm sure she'd want to see you."

"Ricky, she doesn't even remember who I am." I responded, sadly.

"Well, don't you want to have her remember you? Come on, Matt. Just go say hi to her."

I started to get angry, "It's no use!! She'll never remember me! She thinks you are her boyfriend! I wanted to have a life with her, Ricky. I wanted to marry her. You wouldn't understand..."

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