1. completely cornered

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[pre season 1]‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

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[pre season 1]
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

"Okay, they're walking towards us now," Aaliyah said, pointing out the obvious.

        "Yes, I can see that," Serena whispered back through gritted teeth. "Why are they doing that-" she asked but Aaliyah didn't have time to answer. Ethan and Benny had walked right up to them.

        Serena eyed them carefully. Benny had this strange smile on his face, "Hey," he said loudly. "How's it going."

        Aaliyah and Serena looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes. They were both very uncomfortable with what was happening at the moment. "Why are you talking to us?" Aaliyah asked looking them up and down.

        "Okay, guess you're not one for small talk," Benny retorted.

        Ethan looked a little nervous, "Benny, just leave it. It's fine," he said quietly. "Maybe they were wrong, maybe it's not her."

        Benny turned to him, "Your visions are never wrong." Benny realized his mistakes as soon as Serena and Aaliyah gave him a look like he was crazy.

        Ethan whacked him in the arm, "Dude."

        "I mean, your intuitions are never wrong," Benny said uncertainly.

        Serena raised her eyebrow, "Okay, if you two are done with your weird, code talk. We actually need to get going," Serena said gesturing to her and Aaliyah. "You know talk about real, concrete things in science class, and not visions, so if you excuse us." She pushed past Ethan and Benny lightly.

        Ethan stumbled backward, with a glazed look in his eyes. Aaliyah noticed the look Ethan made. "Is your friend, okay? Looks like he's seen a ghost," she told Benny as she and Serena made their way across the crowded hallway.

        "Yeah he's fine," Benny called after them. "He's just learning the ropes-"

        Once Serena and Aaliyah were out of earshot of the two, Serena turned to her friend. "Do you have any clue what they were talking about," she asked quietly.

        "Nope and I'm not even going to try to understand," Aaliyah answered quickly they walked into class.

        Wes was already sitting at their assigned lab table, swinging his lab goggles around his finger. His face brightened up when he saw his friends walk in. "You two seem," he paused handing them both a pair of goggles. "Discombobulated."

        Serena and Aaliyah eyed each other, "Yeah well we just had a very strange conversation, but that doesn't matter right now, because-" Aaliyah's voice trailed off. The two people, well four people, they were talking about just entered the room. Ethan, Benny, Sarah Fox, and Erica Jones. Serena peered over her shoulder and saw Rory Keaner also stumbled into the world. Aaliyah huffed watching the five sit at the lab table behind them. "I totally forgot they were in this class."

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