13. i liked evil benny better

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[jilly putty: season 1, episode 8]‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

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[jilly putty: season 1, episode 8]
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

        Serena had no idea what to make of her interaction with Erica the last time she saw her. So Serena did what she does best: avoiding people. But she did end up keeping her promise to Erica. She didn't tell anyone what had happened, even Wes and Aaliyah, who were not used to Serena being so secretive.

"Okay, what is your problem?" Wes asked quickly, showing up at the spot beside Serena's locker.

"What's your problem for asking about my problem?" Serena retorted, even though it made no sense to either Wes or Aaliyah, who had just shown up.

Aaliyah frowned. "Serena, that didn't make any sense," she said, voicing Serena's thoughts from earlier.

Serena shut her locker quickly, "I know. I just couldn't think of a good response," she admitted.

"Wow," Wes sounded. "I think that's the first time I've ever Serena say something like that," he said, elbowing Aaliyah in the side of the rib.

"Oh ha ha," Serena said dryly. "You guys are really funny."

Aaliyah frowned, "Seriously, Serena what's up with you?" she asked. "You've been a little weird ever since that doll was walking around the school."

Wes's eyes widened, "WHAT?! What do you mean a doll? Why didn't you tell me about the doll?" he asked Aaliyah. "AND why didn't you tell me about the doll either?" he repeated, whipping around to look at Serena. "I feel left out now."

"Wes, it wasn't anything serious," Serena said, brushing the whole situation off. "Ethan and Benny ended up handling it. So, it's chill. Very, very chill."

"Okay, yep, there is definitely something wrong," Wes decided, clapping his hands together as if he had figured out something life-changing. "Serena's been replaced by some robot or something. Or a shapeshifter because the Serena I know would never say that."

Serena didn't have an adequate response to what Wes said, as she was incredibly grateful that a bumbling Ethan came to interrupt their conversation. "Oh! Serena!" he said quickly, taking a moment to catch his breath. "I was gonna ask Sarah, but it doesn't hurt to have a second opinion. If a girl asks you if you can trust her, what do you say?"

Serena blinked, "Okay by asking me this question you are already proving that you know little to nothing about girls," she stated.

"She's not wrong, bud," Wes said, patting Ethan on the back. "If a girl asks if you can trust her, you shouldn't go running off to go ask for someone else's opinion."

Aaliyah nodded, "I don't normally agree with Wes, but that was some pretty sound advice."

Wes scoffed, "Oh please, you love me."

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