6. evil cheerleaders

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[three cheers for evil: season 1, episode 2]‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

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[three cheers for evil: season 1, episode 2]
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

"Boom did the devil go off in your head? No, it's the devils when we beat you black and red! Call a nurse, call a doctor, call your mama too. 'Cause, you're gonna need help when we're finished with you! Gooooo Devils!"

        Serena looked up at the trio of cheerleaders behind their sign-up table and rolled her eyes.

        Aaliyah noticed the look on Serena's face, "Oh come on," she said to her best friend. "They're not as bad as you are making them out to be. You know, you could be a good cheerleader."

        Serena looked at Aaliyah incredulously, "Yes, because I would want to spend the majority of my afternoon screaming."

        "Okay, if we are getting into technicalities," Aaliyah said, trying to rectify her mistake. "It's chanting not screaming, so you and your 'bansheeness' would be just fine. Come on, it'll be fun to do something together, I signed up."

        "You signed up for that crap?" Wes asked, appearing behind Aaliyah.

        "See, Wes gets it," Serena said, gesturing to their other friend. "He understands that cheerleading is a stupid societal problem that just constantly pits young girls against each other and tells them that they're not good enough."

        Wes's mouth dropped open, "You know I also could've said all that smart lingo that Serena said as well, I just chose not to. So, I'm just saying," he said cockily.

        Aaliyah rolled her eyes at the boy behind her, "Sure you could've."

        "Honestly, Aaliyah, if you wanted to do a sport, why not swimming or track?" Serena asked.

        "Yes, because I would want to run around in the sun, for hours," Aaliyah hissed implying that her powers as a fledgling would prevent her from doing exactly that.

        "Wha- that's sounds like a blast Aaliyah," Wes said, completely oblivious to what the sentence meant to both of the girls. "It's like the beach, but with no sand."

        Aaliyah spun around to Wes, "A beach," she started. "A beach with no sand? Wes, it's not like that at all," she said.

        "Lia, listen if you were inside my mind right now," Wes started.

        "What kind of statement is that?" Aaliyah said, cutting Wes off.

        "No, no, no, hear me out," Wes continued, but Serena had stopped listening to their little argument. She glanced over at the table once more and saw a familiar blonde walking up to the table. Taking the small black pen in her hand, and writing her name down on the sheet.

        Serena narrowed her eyes, 'Erica's signing up for the squad,' she thought to herself. 'That can be good in any capacity.' Serena pursed her lips, thinking over her options. She could just let her be, maybe Erica just wanted to put on a pair of black and red pompons. Or, there was something more sinister going on. Knowing how Erica acted, it probably wasn't the first option.

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