4. the supernatural study group

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[pre season 1]‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

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[pre season 1]
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

"So, you're a banshee?" Aaliyah asked curiously as she paced around Serena's room. "What does that even mean?"

        Serena closed the book she had open on her bed, "I have no idea. It's not like I have access to a step-to-step guide on how to be a banshee," she commented. "All I have is my mom, and she's at a conference this weekend, and I can't just call her up every time I have a question."

        Aaliyah titled her head, "Well, I mean, you kind of do, don't you?"

        "What?" Serena said turning her body, so she could sit up on the bed. She looked at Aaliyah who has stopped in the middle of her room. "No!" Serina said immediately, recognizing the look that Aaliyah was giving her. "No! Absolutely not. Those two don't know anything!"

        "Maybe they know more than they're letting on," Aaliyah suggested taking a pen off of Serena's desk and beginning to spin it in her fingers.

        "Trust me, they don't," Serena insisted. "And even if they did, why would I go to them?"

        Aaliyah looked at her, a little dumbfounded. "Isn't Ethan a fortune teller, or whatever? Can't he, like, magically see the future?"

        "It's seer," Serena corrected her. "And I don't think it works like that."

        "Okay, but my point still stands," Aaliyah said finally sinking down onto the floor. "We might still need their help."

        Serena sighed, "I hate it that you're right."

        "I mean, I am usually right," Aaliyah said patting herself on the back. "Okay, I have an idea."

        Serena raised her eyebrow, "Okay, shoot," she said slowly.

        "Now I know you might think this is a bad idea, but hear me out," Aaliyah started, getting up to sit next to Serena. "Since your mom is out of town, how about we invite them over tonight, for research purposes, obviously. By research, I mean actually researching, learning about Banshees and such."

        "What? Like a supernatural study group?" Serena asked laughing.

        "Okay now it sounds dumb when you put it that way," Aaliyah said rolling her eyes. "I just think this would be helpful to, I don't know, see what we are getting ourselves into."

        "Okay, fine, yeah," Serena said. "I guess I'll host a supernatural study group."


       Later that night, Aaliyah and Serena were setting up for the people who were coming over. "Hey, where did you get all of these books?" Serena asked as Aaliyah started to upload the bag of books she had shoved in her backpack.

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