16. zombies. literal zombies.

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[the brewed: season 1, episode 11]‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

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[the brewed: season 1, episode 11]
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

"Oh man, why couldn't we be at home watching So You Think You Can Fly?" Benny complained as he, Ethan, Serena, and Wes hid under a lab table in the chemistry classroom. "Eating a triple meat lovers pizza, with extra meat."

        "Yeah, instead, our teachers could bash in here any second and scoop out our brains like chip dip!" Ethan exclaimed.

        There was a loud bang at the door and Serena closed her eyes quickly. "Wes, you're gonna carry me out of here because I'm not looking a zombie in the eyes today," she said, keeping her eyes completely shut.

        "Serena, I may be strong, but I don't think I can carry you and fight off a zombie," Wes admitted. "And you've definitely around look at a zombie today, so don't even try me right now!"

        Serena made a small offended noise and stuck her hand out in front of her hand until she ended up hitting something.

        "Ow," Ethan said loudly. "You shoved the wrong person, Serena," he complained.

        "You probably deserved it," she said quietly.

        "Serena, just open your eyes," Wes complained. "The zombies aren't here yet!"

        Serena reluctantly opened her eyes to see Benny staring directly in front of the group. "Think we could outrun them?" he asked the other teens in the room.

        "I don't have to outrun them," Ethan retorted. "I just have to outrun you!"

        "You know? I think they'd go for your brain first there, honor roll!" Benny said as Serena heard three loud bangs on the door.

        "Or they'll eat you both because you're nerds!" Serena hissed. "All you've established is that Wes and I are probably safe!"

        Wes scoffed, "Normally, I would be offended by that insinuation, Serena. But I'm just glad I won't be eaten alive by zombies tonight!"        

        Ethan whimpered as the zombies continued to bang on the door. "Where is Sarah? We could really use her help right now!"

        "I don't think she was in a very helping mood today," Benny responded.

        Serena heard the doorknob rattle and see grabbed onto the leg of the table for support. "We are so dead!" Benny expressed. "This is not fair! Why couldn't we get some sort of sign that this was going to happen?"

        Ethan nodded, "Yeah, just a hint would've been nice!"

        It was about five minutes later and the zombified teachers managed to break the small pane of glass on the door. Ethan grabbed a fire extinguisher off of the wall and started spraying them, while the other three kept their spot under the table. "I hate this stuff!" Ethan exclaimed suddenly. "If it lasts long enough, we should be able to hold them back until Sarah gets back."

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