chapter one:)

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Ryl Pov

I woke up from the same nightmare last night. This past couple of days i've been dreaming the same scene over and over again. I woke up trembling and covering myself with the comforter.

I got up and got a hoodie and went out of my apartment. Since there was a a new café near the my apartment building. While i walking i bumped into someone. I said 'sorry' and continued walking.

I entered the café and when i walk in all eyes went to me, i lowered my head in embarrassment. I went to the counter and ordered.

"Hi ma'am what would you like for today" the guy in the counter smiled at me, but i can tell it was genuine one.

"Iced Americano" i shortly said. I went to a vacant table and made myself seat there.

After a few minutes my order was finished so i went to the counter to pay. I was walking out the door when i bump into someone, this time i was a hard one.

I admire his appearance and he had a this attractive jaw with the red'ish lips. And his brown siren eyes. He is taller than me.

"Sorry" i apologize and ran away feeling embarrassed.

"Hey miss-" i heard him while running, but i ignored him.

I went to my favorite place wich is the rooftop. I admire the sunrise and the beautiful clouds. It is really a free therapy. I was drinking my coffee when suddenly a couple suddenly came out of the door making out. In this early morning seriously.

I ran to hide so i can get out without them noticing, since they made out so early in the freaking morning. When they have thier positions and there comfortable with it,i ran as fast to the door and i hope they didn't notice me or else.

I locked the door and went back to my apartment. I rested myself in the couch and daydream alot of things. I fell asleep after that.


I woke up around 2pm when someone was knocking at my door. I got up lazily still half asleep and went to the door to open it. When i opened the door i saw my cousin standing there.

"What" i asked her.

"Let's have some fun tonight" she said with her high pitch voice, she excitedly clapped her hand.

"Ok" i said so i can forget about the nightmare.

"Do you still get nightmares?" she asked me worried.

"No, i'm fine" lie.

"Good, now get ready cause we're going wild tonight" he said pushing me to the bathroom.

I washed up and brushed my teeth, then put on an outfit. I just wore a simple white plain tank top and a beige slacks and put on my mocha air force ones. I did a light make up, to match my vibe.

"Girl we are having a wild girls day today" Rheyan smiled happily.

"Whatever, let's go" i told her. I locked the door of my apartment and started walking with her.

We went inside the elevator and just talked about how our life have been. And wow she got a new boyfriend, its just been 1week since she broke up with a guy. This girl never ran out guys.

I was really impressed how talkative she is today, she must be happy about her new boyfriend. We went into a salon a a 5 star one. Ofcourse she is a daughter of a ceo. I went for a facial treatment, and she did the same.

After the facial treatment, we went to have a foot spa since she just arrived from a vacation on the beach. After that she insisted to have a massage wow this girl really needed a pamper day.

We got masagged for an hour and then she decided to cut her hair since it was getting long. I don't have plans on cutting my hair my hair length is enough actually. I wanted to have bangs since i need to cover up thid old scar.


After that wild pamper day with Rheyan i didn't even got the chance to wash up and just fell asleep. I woke up with the same nightmare again. I went inside the bathroom yo wash up since I was kind of smelly. I wash myself to forget that nightmare.

After washing up i went to my closet and put on some clothes. I just put a brown tank top with that puff on right and left arm. I wore some jeans just to match the top.

I brought a purse with me and i tried to find my wallet where i put my pocket money but i there were no signs of it. I tried looking for it in my laundries and my bags but it wasn't there.

"Where did you put it Ryl?" i asked myself frustrated. I still haven't found it so i just cried out of frustration.

"Think" i screamed to myself. I just thought the last time i bought it at the café near my apartment. The man with brown eyes called me, maybe he had it.

I washed my face so i don't look like a mess when i go out. I wiped my face with a dry towel and rushed my way out of the apartment. I went to the café and i saw him at the staff room.

"Hi ma'am whay would you order for today?" a girl in the counter smiled at me but it was fake.

"Uhm can i talk to that guy" i pointed at the guy who i bumped in when i came here.

"You can but not in the working time" the girl fake smiled at me and i saw how jelaous she was in her eyes.

"Its really important please let me talk to that guy" i begged.

"I'm sorr-" she got cut off by the guy with the brown eyes.

"What's happening here?" the guy with brown eyes asked.

"Hey you" i called him.

"Yes ma'am?" he asked.

"I bumped into you a day ago" i told him. "Do you have my wallet?" i asked him, as me being straightforward person i'am.

"Ah yes" he casually said.

"Give it to me" i told him.

"I don't have it in me right now, but you can have my instagram i'll dm you whenever i free so i can bring your wallet back" he said and showed me his phone and his instagram was there.

I memorized it and just nodded. I went back to my apartment feeling guilty for not bringing my wallet back and just admiring the guys facial looks. I  hate this self.

When i arrived home i got to my instagram and checked his instagram, he has a rare username.


His profile was a picture of him looking at the view of a mountain. His bio was normal.

(Oliver Elijah Jacobs with the 20 of age and swagger in NY)

What a jerk.

But his cute not gonna lie.



a/n: first chapter!!!!! follow me on Instagram at



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