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Jorgan is 15, and Frida 14. They were each born within a few weeks of major battles, the former the battle of Endor, the latter the battle of Jakku. They ride with Lady Erika, their mother, to the Saleucami system, where she has been invited in recognition of her recent charity. Her recent efforts here have seen millions of homes, jobs, and amenities brought to this world. Cities are experiencing a boom, farms enjoy greater safety from local fauna, and trade with nearby systems is booming.

She explains, "It's only right that our family give back to the galaxy. There are thousands of star systems out there, most with millions, billions, or even trillions of inhabitants. When I assumed control of the company at the age of 16, I became the Galaxy's 3rd wealthiest citizen. Under my supervision, and in spite of my divided attention, I have risen to become the 2nd wealthiest. I have done everything I can not to let you grow up detached from the reality of living for the rest of the galaxy. 

"People fundamentally no different from you grow up in vastly different surroundings. Whether it's begging in the crime-ridden squalor of 1313 or moisture farming the sun-baked sands of the Jundland Wastes... you have already seen how fortunate you are to be children of our family. When you take over the company, if that's what you want, then I hope you will continue our legacy of altruism. 

"To my parents, altruism meant service to the Empire. Mother built correctional facilities and labor camps that she believed provided criminals and wastrels an opportunity to make something of themselves. I now understand these to be halls of despair and oppression."

Jorgan asks, "When will we join Master Rael in the fight against the Imperial Remnant? Erlkönig has been fighting since he was 13... and he doesn't even have a lightsaber yet."

Erika sighs, "Erlkönig is different. Master Rael has trained him since he could walk as his apprentice. He is much more powerful than either of you and tends towards the dark side, so this level of exposure is necessary. You 2 are different. As you both tend towards the light, you'd make excellent candidates for the Order of Lumina. The Order generally doesn't select new members until they are much older, but since my brothers and I rose to the challenge when we were 14, I suppose it wouldn't be fair for me to keep you from it any longer.

"Since Ilum isn't safe at the moment, you will use blue synthetic crystals just like your uncles. I'll let Master Rael know you're ready for deployment. You will respect his authority and follow his directions not just because he is your commander in War, but because he knows better than anyone alive how to train you to be the best force wielders you can be. He won't put you into any danger he doesn't believe you can overcome, so do your best and you'll be fine."

The small yacht lands, and they disembark to Saleucami at the Magistrate's estate. He welcomes them, and leads them to the stage where a small crowd has gathered. He begins, "And now, the guest you've all been waiting for, a woman who needs no introduction, the generous Lady Erika Ritter!"

The crowd is mostly apathetic. Erika senses hostility from many of them. It's not rare in a public gathering, and she's used to it by now. She remembers all the executions she performed in service to the Empire. The crowds back then hated her as fervently, but they feared the Empire's might. Now she stood before free citizens, cloaked in acts of charity invisible to the eyes of those who remember who she once was.

Erika steps up to the pulpit, "Thank you Good Magistrate. I know that I can never heal the scars left by my Empire. No amount of farming and housing can give you back those you lost in the years of Imperial Tyranny. While Saleucami never saw wrath and ruin in the way of Kashyyyk or Mimban, you nonetheless felt the strain and uncertainty of Palpatine's injustice all too well.

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