The Demon of Kalee

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Lady Erika comes out of hyperspace over Zygerria. Checking her messages, she finds one from Big Boss explaining that the Squad of Necrotic Clones has already arrived, and includes their comm frequency. She makes contact and they coordinate a landing.

"I'm 07L7-Lambda, Squad commander. Yeah I think we'll just land 20 kilometers out from the capital city and walk in quietly. Should be a tough climb but I imagine the force should make that easier on you. Sending the coordinates now."

Erika giggles, "It sounds so tactical. Not everything is war and death you know. I think it'll be far wiser to present ourselves as prospective buyers. I've already had 3D replate in colors common for Zygerrian protocol droids, so she can act as a guide. Should draw much less suspicion than 2 shadowy thieves scaling the cliff into town with no story or reason to be there. Zygerria is very homogenous after all."

Lambda admits, "I was going to suggest using the night as cover to traverse the roofs, sewers, and back alleys, but if there's a way to hide in plain sight that would be better. My ship has some tactical blankets in various colors, but nothing we could use to fabricate a disguise to cover my armor as a wealthy buyer."

Erika pauses, "I have something that would work... I have a set of aristocratic robes that I made to cover over my armor... just in case. I'll take off my armor to don a normal set and rework the big one to cover you."

3D says, "The Necrotic Clones are too big. He'd have to remove his armor to even attempt to fit him with one of your outfits."

Erika sighs, "I forgot just how big you guys are. Even with my armor I'm still barely your size. And to think how tiny I was before the operations.... can you remove your armor? You're not Mandalorian anyway..."

Lambda dislikes the idea, "I don't blend in with a crowd."

Erika adds, "I could hide you completely. Your physical oddities would be imperceptible. We'll even have the fabricator print out a mask to obscure your face, and a headdress for the frill."

Lambda nods, "Okay, but I'll need the rest of the squad on backup. We'll still have to wait until nightfall so they can remain within 200 meters of me at all times, lurking in the shadows."

They land in adjacent hangers, having convinced the port authority that they are there to make trades. Stepping out, Lambda is wearing only his base garments: a black Necrotic rubber body glove all too familiar to Erika, black Necrotic Leather trousers, black slippers made from Necrotic silks and fibers and a Necrotic Leather sole. His tentacles are covered for the first 85 millimeters by his body glove, and rest neatly wrapped around his midsection. The attachment points for his wings are protected by an additional pad of Necrotic rubber. He has a coif over his frill but no mask. 

For the first time, Erika looks into the face of Darth Necros as he would have shown it. His eyes are a burning contemptable yellow-orange. His filed down tusks are obscured by his outer maw of 4 short mandibles pointed inward. The Clones have smoothed these a little to stop them from catching on things, but they remain very fierce looking. His mouth and nose are obscured by his inner maw, a sleek black living parasite that adds an extra step to the beginning of respiration, digestion, and the force knows what else.

When he goes to speak, the mouth that opens does so from the center out like rotating doors on some old Separatist Starships. Within, she sees no tongue or teeth in the baneful black cavern that would be the mouth on any other Kaleesh. He says, "Sunset is in an hour. Let's see what we can do in that time."

Luckily, 3D is able to rework some of Erika's robes to cover Lambda convincingly. With the fabrication of the headdress and mask, no one would guess he had any connection to the ghostly armored hell knights that had terrorized the scum of the outer rim and enemies of Big Boss these last 8 years.

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