An Inquisitive Trio

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The 5th son walks back to his allies, the 4th daughter and the 9th son. They are not as surreptitious as he is, and as a Kyuzo, the uniform of the Inquisitors is less suspicious on him. In this era of Republic Sovereignty, the second generation of Inquisitors wears a subtler outfit, but not they can still give bad vibes to a lot of people. Clad in all black, their clothing is a bit more loose fitting and roguish than it was under the Empire, and the Imperial Insignia has been removed. Instead, the Sith Eternal icon is stitched into the fabric in a subtle way that could easily be mistaken for decoration.

A poncho is worn instead of a cape, and the helmets more closely resemble mercenaries than classic Sith helmets like those designed for the old Inquisitors. The 5th son says, "He was near... the First Son. Do not tell Exegol until he is within our clutches. The locals say he was traveling alone, but even untrained he is far more dangerous than any of us."

The 4th daughter, a red skinned Theelin says, "I remember when they used to fear us. The Jedi should be the ones hiding for their lives."

The 5th son says, "Your bloodthirst will be quenched in time. He was seen heading East. There's nothing there but the ruins of a small town inhabited by Weequay pirates. Beyond that is nothing but desert for days. With so few witnesses, if any, we won't have to hide our power."

They get on their speeder bikes and move East to the town. They park their bikes on the edge of the town and remove the spark plugs in case their prey gets any ideas. They look down from the edge of town. Town might even by too generous. It's one continuous large structure, built around the edges of a deep depression in the Tatooine sands in the shadow of a cliffside. A quick survey reveals only 5 separate doors, each leading to a small dwelling. In the center area are 2 sandstone staircases leading out, some broken down tents that might have been vendor stalls, and a single moisture vaporator. 

The suns are low on the horizon, and darkness will soon fall. The 9th son, a Zabrak, reaches out briefly. He says, "I sense him in that house over there... I don't think he felt my gaze."

A teenage human wearing all black steps out. He wears cargo pants, sleeveless shirt, cargo vest, and boots. He could be an upstart Bounty Hunter with his blaster pistol holstered on his side.

The 4th daughter says, "I think you're wrong."

The trio leaps down into the town. The 9th brother leads, "Not smart gunner. You've stepped into our trap."

The young man smiles, "You've fallen into mine. My Master worried you'd see through our little game and bring a whole army. But here you are, alone."

The 4th daughter taunts, "We're not who you think we are boy... we don't need an army!"

The 5th son utters, "He said his Master... if he's been trained, then an army is exactly what we need."

She spits back, "A Jedi's training would do him little good. Besides, what Jedi would teach him anything useful after seeing the darkness in him? He reeks of evil!"

She feels her windpipe crush under a telekinetic grip. Gasping, she peers at the youth, his hand raised. He strains, "You'll find my Master a lot more open minded than the Jedi you're used to..."

The 9th son leaps into action, "Save yourselves! We are no match for the First Son's strength!"

This confuses the boy, who grabs hold of the Zabrak, locking his body in place, "First Son? That title sounds important. Wait, didn't the old inquisitors call themselves brothers and sisters? Why am I First Son?"

The 9th son chuckles, still bound in Erlkönig's force grip, "Your master didn't tell you? Does he even know?"

"What I know is that I need a lightsaber. I was told to expect no more than 3, and to come back with their crystals. What is this about you already planning to give me a important job? Is this some Inquisitor trick? Are you playing with me? Do it and you lose an arm Kyuzo!"

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