A Simple Matter

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Big Boss meets with his contacts... a masked Twi'lek representing spice production and a mustache twirling pirate lord representing the smuggling interests. He lays out his plan of action for them, 

"I'm not going to share everything with you. Pirates and Spice traders don't exactly have good reputations, so I'm just doing this to give you reassurance. The Imperials here, best I can tell from your explanation, are their own faction. What do I mean? Well, after the battle of Jakku, most of the Empire was wiped out. Some of them fled into the unknown regions to rebuild, but no one knows how many. The Republic thinks it wasn't more than a half dozen Destroyers, but I suspect far more. 

"No matter which of us is right, the scattered moffs, Generals, and Admirals abandoned in the galaxy proper eventually found their strength. Their will to dominate all life under the iron fist of Imperial Tyranny was stronger than ever. Their officers became fanatical bloodthirsty despots... war-lords, taking up territory as if there were 10 Death Stars patrolling the outer rim. The enlisted men likewise were more or less loyal. The men closest to the Lords are little more than zealots, worshipping the antiquated idea that a gun means safety and a cop means order. 

"Since your Marshall Kane Lords over this planet from far up north, I'd estimate his men closer to these parts are just reluctant locals who didn't have much choice. If I can't recruit them to my cause, you're welcome to pick them over for our own crews. At any rate, Imperial Remnants in the galaxy have, since the battle of Jakku, resumed some level of contact with the Imperial Order in the Unknown Regions. This First Order of Imperials have sparse but 2 way communications with the growing Imperial Remnants out here... which may one day provide them the necessary foothold to return to the galaxy in full force.

"But what I think is that the Imperials troubling you are neither. Marshall Kane betrayed his General 2 years after Jakku, thinking the First Order of Imperials would reward his initiative. Instead, they cut what little ties were left, and Kane's armies dwindled. If he came back, it was with someone's help. And if not the Imperials we're used to, then who? And how can they trust him? Do they trust him at all?

"I'll let you know what I find out when your planet is free from Imperial rule. Until then, I won't be able to share much for security reasons. But as powerful as Kane is, my armies are better. We'll clear out any Imperials near your spice mines, your farms, and your vital ports. Stage 2 is to work our way through the Empire's strongholds scattered across the planet. We'll cut off their supply lines, stop the flow of new materiel in, and gain control of the skies. In stage 3, we'll bring the fight to Kane and to his unknown patron."

Later, to Master Rael, he goes over the plan in greater detail, "2 Starhawks will be a welcome sight to the locals. The first few weeks will be the hard fighting. We'll destroy the dozens of AT-AT walkers and garrisons to free up the locals. That'll get them off our backs so we won't be rushed to find Kane. More important than taking out Marshall Kane is finding his supplier. Whether it is the Imperial Remnant using him or someone else, we need to cut this off at the source. If he's smart, it may take months to trip him up in a mistake to follow him back up the stream.

"Once the major cities are free, we'll divide the forces. Kane has about 20 or so major bases, each with its own Juggernaut transports, walkers, anti-air guns, TIE Fighters, surface to air missiles, and multiple companies of Stormtroopers or Trooper variants, primarily Range Troopers, Shore Troopers, and Swamp Troopers. I'll take one attack group East while you take the other West, each of us supported by 2 Brigades. When I reach this longitude, we'll receive reinforcements from Termina. 

"A Venator Class Star Destroyer will supply 1 brigade led by the clones of Task Force 900. Our 3 paths will converge in the Northern pole, where I suspect Marshall Kane's fortress is concealed in the mountains. This is our role in the fight. While the fights themselves may be bigger in scale, our work is not nearly as important as the real fight, which will happen in our smaller teams, riding as far as a thousand kilometers from the main forces on our way around the planet.

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