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Nym updates Big Boss, "The clones of Anakin Skywalker suggests someone wanted to recreate Darth Vader as a drone they could control. Did you know there's at least one set of his armor unaccounted for?"

Master Rael nods slightly, "Yes, even before he died I know one or two ended up in the wrong hands. Once the Empire was in shambles, I assume there must have been up to a half a dozen unaccounted for. My conclusion as to the function is the same, since a droid brain would take up too much space. 

"Seems a bit much to use the same armor though when you can just fabricate new armor. Palpatine gave his new apprentice armor not dissimilar to what he wore in service to the Jedi. Some touch ups were done to make it Sith... the helmet design brings to mind Tulak Horde or Kallig... and even the Inquisitors had some similar designs for their helmets. It's likely the life support was the only thing he changed after his fateful duel on Mustafar."

Nym comments, "You were getting off topic there... but I disagree that the armor could be new. He might copy the original design, but more than likely I think this creator only vaguely understands the force, or else he wouldn't be attempting to meddle in things sentients weren't meant to meddle in. Yes I appreciate the irony of that from one of us, especially me, but I think he believes that an imprint of Vader on his old armor will be able to strengthen the drone in the suit."

Big Boss asks, "Would it?"

Rael shakes his head, "It's not like every drop of his sweat that dried into the fibers of every suit of armor contains his spirit. His original lightsaber, wherever it may be, probably has his spirit if what Master Skywalker says about his father's final alignment is true. At least insofar as physical objects can hold onto spirits. In truth, his spirit could appear to any person with a deep connection to the living force... as you discovered with Lady Lumina. Obviously these drones would not get any benefit from being in the real armor."

Big Boss finishes, "We don't have enough information to make any conclusions on these clones. Nym, what can you tell me about this kid?"

Nym looks through the one way glass into the operating room where Traytorus is restrained to a table and kept under Erlkönig's watchful eye. He looks back, "After you made the Christophsis address, Kendalina Escher came to me about moving her twin children to a surrogate mother. I told her it would be easier to either carry them to term or just impregnate the surrogate directly. She told me that Coruscant women didn't have their own children... childbirth was for the help. 

"And as for the latter... she explained that impregnating a surrogate with a second sample would be impossible... because she was pregnant with two of yours boss. She, Rhetta, and I conspired to hide the pregnancy from you and I met her terms to move it to a surrogate. This also gave me the opportunity to make them both assets using what I'd learned from the Necrotic Palace. I gave them perfect genetics, and ensured that the best of what Escher had was isolated to one Embryo and the best of what you had was isolated to the other.

"For their upbringing, I left the 1 year old Escher twin I called Traytorus Viper in the hands of the then 7 year old Gen 1 Necrotic Clones. Just before they turned 14 and received their implants, they left him. As an 8 year old, he raised a militia of his own child soldiers to continue in the work the Necrotic Clones had taught him. I eventually lost track of him. The Alden twin, which I called Morkad Viper, ended up with a New Republic power couple. Both veterans, both humans, one a Senator's aid and the other a military recruiter, they're the picture perfect Post war Family."

Big Boss steps over to the glass, "My son... and he has more of Escher's blood in him?"

"Not just his blood, his very upbringing was meant to shape him into the ultimate realization of the Escher mindset... his killer instinct, his raw power, his perfectly efficient application of force. And his brother will be a better you, master of all crafts, adaptable to anything, and just as deadly in combat."

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