Attack on Telos

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Jorgan and Frida are called in to join Erlkönig's unit on an unexpected mission. Rael welcomes them and gestures to the LAATD behind him, "Veractyl will brief you. Stay safe."

They climb in, and the LAATD takes off, taking them out of Gannaria's atmosphere before finally making the jump to hyperspace. Veractyl explains, "We're being dispatched to help the Republic reclaim a captured space station in the Telos system. It's an orbital station run by a civilian journalist group that publishes reports on military expenditures and is highly critical of the Republic Military in general. They're also very critical of us, since we helped liberate them from the Empire after Endor when the Republic was taking its sweet ass time... again, they're critical of military efforts in general.

"The orbital station was a decommissioned control platform for Operation Cinder, Palpatine's plan to exact revenge on enemy planets for killing him and to punish Imperial and neutral worlds for failing to protect him. It never had any weapons for Cinder on board, but as a precaution, all military computers have been confiscated and replaced.... how generous of the Republic to take them after we did all the work...

"Any way, the attackers are Chiss pirates slash terrorists who hate the Republic and the Army of the Sun, but not for the reason you think. They want the Empire's return, but only to stop the return of the Sith and the defense against the imminent arrival of extra-galactic invaders. Your own mother has surely told you by now that she never sensed Palpatine's destruction when his body died. Master Rael says it took him a long time, but he sensed the truth of it too, and it's safe to assume Master Skywalker is also aware of this.

"But our common ground isn't why we're being called in to save people who hate us: no, these Chiss pirates are highly skilled, and we suspect former Ascendancy. I recognize their rank devices from what images have been captured, and they're lifted directly from the Ascendancy's rank structure. Their tactics are in line with some of the lesser explored military schools as they seem to favor guerilla warfare, preemptive strikes, psychological warfare, and the luck... kind of like us until we got big enough for more conventional tactics.

"We need to learn more about them, where they came from, why they hate us, and what ties they may have to Imperial groups. The fact that they suspect Sith meddling would seem to imply they have a backer, but it's impossible to say who or why. Publicly, the Republic has agreed to this join venture because of why Telos was targeted. It's a Republic world now, and we helped liberate it: that makes both of us responsible for keeping it safe from future threats. Though, I'd bet my best blasters the Republic wants to learn more about them too."

After some time traveling through hyperspace, they rendezvous with the small Republic contact. It's a small cruiser with a small hanger. Their LAATD joins the Republic shuttle and 2 X-wings in the hanger, and the team climbs out to meet the other half of the strike team, which consists of 7 Republic Troopers and Jacen Syndulla.

Jorgan reaches out a hand, "Jacen, it's been too long."

Jacen shakes, "Yeah I guess you didn't stick around for long huh?"

Frida nudges him, and Jorgan introduces them, "Team, this is Jacen Syndulla, a Jedi... Padawan?" 

Jacen shrugs, "If you want to be generous, yeah."

"A Jedi Padawan. Jacen, this is my sister Frida, our Commanding officer Gunslinger Veractyl, who's also a Chiss so don't shoot him... and I'll let Erlkönig introduce his own team."

Jacen turns around and says, "Yeah I guess if you have one too we may as well show you ours. Clarra, come out and meet another red eyes." Out of the Republic shuttle steps a Chiss woman in full Ascendancy dress. She's a Senior Captain. She strides over and acknowledges Veractyl in Cheunh, "Qhadamas... I expected you."

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